
The formal assignments will be delivered via Blackboard and may require particular submissions via Blackboard.  Project reports will be submitted via the new IDeATe XSEAD system currently under development to host student work from across the program.  Each project should be added to the appropriate ‘pool‘ for each assignment.  We will prefix the pool names with ‘HMV-S15:‘ to make them easy to locate as well as keep a table below of links to each pool.

Be sure to create your project by first navigating to the appropriate pool and selecting “Add new project to pool”, otherwise it won’t be linked where we can find it.

The XSEAD system includes a simple project documentation editor which supports basic text formatting, embedding short code snippets, uploading media, and embedding links to external media.  The first assignment will discuss in more depth the expectations for these reports.

Eventually the XSEAD site will support more course organization and discussion features.

Assignments / XSEAD Pools

HMV-S15: Sample Projects

HMV-S15: Exercise One: Tool Taxonomy

HMV-S15: Exercise Two: Work Station Setup

HMV-S15: Exercise Three: Reverse Engineering

HMV-S15: Exercise Four: Animated Sketch

HMV-S15: Project One: Instrumented Tool with Transformed Feedback

HMV-S15: Project Two: Digital-Physical Transformations