Deliverable 01 - Fall 2023

Due Saturday, Sept. 2, 2023 by 11:59PM

DO THIS FIRST: Academic Integrity Form (0 points)*

Review the academic integrity policy linked above along with the associated University policy linked inside. Once you have done this, go to Canvas and complete the one question quiz that indicates that you will abide by these policies in this class, and that you understand that voilations of this policy can result in a charge of an Academic Integrity Violation (AIV) that will result in a course penalty and a report to the Office of Community Standards and Integrity (OCSI). Please take a few minutes to read through it since students often say I didn't know you couldn't work together or I didn't know I couldn't get answers from another student or online source or give answers to another student (even in a subsequent semester). This Canvas activity confirms you officially read the policy (whether you did or not).

*Failure to complete this Canvas quiz indicates that you will not abide by this policy and that none of your coursework will count toward your final grade (thereby resulting in an R).

While you are reviewing the academic integrity policy, you should review the course information on the home page (click 15-104 in the menu above), the Grading details and the Schedule. Put important dates in your calendar!


FIRST: Create a folder or subdirectory in your 15-104 working area on your computer or in your Andrew private folder for handin-01. (You will create the 15-104 folder in lab on Tuesday.) You will put all of your work inside this folder and then compress or zip it to create to submit to Autolab.

Conceptual Questions (2 points)

In this part of the deliverable, you will download this Word file that contains 4 questions about concepts taught in class. You may download it anywhere on your computer. You should fill in your answers in the spaces provided, and include your name, andrewID and section letter at the top of page 1.

Once you are finished with this part of the deliverable, print/save it as a PDF and store this PDF in your handin-01 folder with the name andrewID-01-concepts.pdf. For example, if your andrewID is acarnegie, then you would save the PDF under the name acarnegie-01-concepts.pdf. Background info about PDF files is here.

Technical Assignment 01 (3 points)

In this assignment, which will be uploaded to Autolab, you will use code to create a static image (in this instance: copying an image from the paintings of artist Piet Mondrian). Our objectives are to refine our control of the use of graphical primitives in p5.js.

image of Mondrian painting

Perhaps you are wondering why artists copy paintings in museums, as I am doing. The answer is to study, to learn, and to find inspiration from the great masters of the past. Copying directly from works of art gives the artists insight into the creative process — insights which cannot be learned from any other source. [From Gerald King]


Project 01: Self-Portrait - Face (3 points)

In this Project, you’ll use p5.js to draw a face: a simplified (cartooned?) self-portrait. Our objectives are to deepen our familiarity with graphical primitives in p5.js, and to acquaint ourselves with the pipeline of authoring and publishing p5.js executables online.

The face is the most intimate, yet most public, of all our features. A significant portion of our brain is dedicated to processing and interpreting the faces of those around us. The face is one of the few visual patterns which, it is believed, is innately understood by newborn infants.

image of four faces (photograph, cartoon, art)

“One of the most salient objects in our day-to-day life is the human face. Faces are so important that the impairment of our face-processing ability is seen as a disorder, called prosopagnosia, while unconsciously seeing faces where there are none is an almost universal kind of pareidolia.” [Kyle McDonald]


Handing in your work

As we discussed in Lab 1, you will zip up the handin-01 folder and submit this to Autolab. Your overall folder organization should look something like this (indentation indicates subfolders):


Once you are ready to submit, zip (compress) the handin-01 folder (which will likely be named and hand in the ZIP FILE into the Deliverable 01 submission area on Autolab. Once you handin, check your handin history and click on the magnifying glass to look at what you submitted to make sure it looks right. Reference Lab 01 for a reminder on how to work with the p5js template, organize your files and compress your work. You may submit as many times as you’d like (in case you find inspiration and want to improve your work) up until the Saturday deadline. If you submit on Sunday (late), even if you submitted on time, you will be marked late. We only grade the final submission you upload to us via Autolab.