Project-05: String Art


//Victor Tavarez
//Section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 640);

function draw() {


   stroke(49,19,255);// rain like blue meant to cover background
   for (var x5 = 0; x5<width; x5+=width/50) {
       for(var y5 = 0; y5 < height; y5 +=height/40){

           line(x5, y5, x5+10, y5+30);
    stroke(240,255,250);//light source from an angle meant to give the piece a further dimension
    for (var x4=50;x4<=width*9/10;x4*=1.10) {
         for(var y4=50;y4 <=height*8/10;y4*=1.10) {

    // the following figures are mmeant to be similarand are meant to look like legs. 

    for (var x1 = 0; x1 <= width; x1+=100) {
        for (var y1 = 0; y1 <= height; y1+=10){

    for(var x2 = width; x2 >=0 ; x2-=100) {
        for(var y2 = height-40; y2 >= 0; y2-=10){
            line(x2,y2, x2+40, x2+40);
   for(var x3 = 0; x3 <=width;x3+=100){
       for(var y3 = height; y3 >= 0; y3-=10){


I restarted this project a few times. I wanted to experiment using the look system and incorporate the various functionalities I discovered in one piece. Although a bit abstract, the image above is supposed to depict a person crossing the street on a raining day. More importantly, the image uses short and frequent lines to simulate rain in the back layer of the image. By connecting many points to pixel, I was able to simulate distance and light using white lines. for the rest of the images I tried to emulate the stage of walking. with the green lines representing stepping forward in how the “knee” moves downward. In the future I hope to be able to use these with animation to simulate movement.

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