Grace Cha-Looking Outwards-10


Kate Hollenbach describes herself as a programer and media artists, and she focuses on interactive systems and new technologies and physical space. She holds a BS in Computer Science & Engineering from MIT and is currently a graduate student at UCLA Design Media Arts and is the Director of Design and Computation at Oblong Industries.

Phonelovesyoutoo is an immersive video matrix that captures my cellphone usage over a period of one month


Kate explores an interesting and very relevant topic in her Phonelovesyoutoo project.  Exploring the human relationship with the smartphone, she describes it as an “intimate display in a public space” which is exactly what this gallery wall describes–three walls of chaning video clips of Kate. Though the project might look ordinary, I appreciate the point she is making about how there exists an emotional connection between the user and the device no matter how “robotic” and it is.

She developed an android application to automatically record video from the front and back of the camera every time the phone was in use.

Over 1000 videos from the phone’s front facing camera are tiled across 3 walls


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