Final Project Proposal

I’d like to do a final project that is an interactive story. I’m a creative writing major with a background in fine arts so I’d like to take a story of mine and then make it into an interactive experience using some sketches of mine and incorporating the whole thing into an interactive program. For example, when the right side of the screen is clicked the scene would change like the flipping of a book page. Similarly when the left side of the screen is clicked the scene would change back to the previous page. Within each screen the text of the story of the scene would be displayed and then the various elements within each screen would be interactive. For example, if a character moves in the text then the character could be dragged by the mouse from one location to another. I haven’t worked out which story I am going to use or if I’m going to use one already existing and the amount of text per page yet, but I’m hoping that it will have maybe a fairytale book feel to it.


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