

//Garrett Rauck
//Section C

var canvasWidth = 500;
var canvasHeight = 600;

// RUN
function setup() {
	bg = loadImage("");
    createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);

function draw() {
	// set background
	// background(255);

	// set drawing modes

	//// HAIR ////
	fill(54, 32, 9);
	ellipse(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2-175, 300, 200);
	ellipse(canvasWidth/2+35, canvasHeight/2-200, 175,175);
	//// FACE MASSES ////
	fill(255, 239, 161);
	// Chin
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2 + 125, 325, 265, 50);
    // Cheeks
    ellipse(canvasWidth/2-100, canvasHeight/2+25, 190, 190);
    ellipse(canvasWidth/2+100, canvasHeight/2+25, 190, 190);
    // Ears
    ellipse(canvasWidth/2-105, canvasHeight/2-120, 50, 65);
    ellipse(canvasWidth/2+105, canvasHeight/2-120, 50, 65);
    // Upper
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2-75, 225, 200);
    // Forehead
    ellipse(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2-175, 225, 100);

    //// FEATURES ////
    // Mouth
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2+50, 260, 20, 0, 0, 10, 10);
    // Chin
    arc(canvasWidth/2,canvasHeight/2+170, 100, 75, PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI-QUARTER_PI);
    // Nose
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2+10, 45, 25, 0, 0, 10, 10);
    arc(canvasWidth/2-50, canvasHeight/2-65, 60, 75, PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI-QUARTER_PI);
    arc(canvasWidth/2+50, canvasHeight/2-65, 60, 75, PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI-QUARTER_PI);
    fill(54, 32, 9);
    rect(canvasWidth/2-55, canvasHeight/2-150, 60, 15, 5);
    rect(canvasWidth/2+55, canvasHeight/2-150, 60, 15, 5);
    // Overlays
    fill(255, 239, 161);
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2+40, 280, 5);
    rect(canvasWidth/2, canvasHeight/2-5, 50, 10);


To create this image, I started by sketching an abstract face, thinking about primitive shapes as building blocks.


I then drew a second sketch using the wireframes of all of the shapes to get an idea of shape centers and how they would need to overlap.


The hardest part about writing the code was dealing with all of the different unique coordinates. I didn’t find a very elegant way of doing this — a lot of guess-and-check…



Waterfall; 3D Print in VeroWhite; 1925 x 999 x 954 mm


Piece of Ocean

Gever_Piece of Ocean
Piece of Ocean; 3D Print in VeroWhite; 996 x 796 x 149 mm

Nuclear Explosion (2012)

Gever_Nuclear Explosion
Nuclear Explosion; 10 Multilayered images, UV LED, prints and acrylic; 1510 x 1800 x 600 mm

Eyal Gever is a contemporary artist studying the fusion of art and technology through the translation of digital simulations to static physical artifacts. He and his team first use programming and complex physics modeling to develop realistic 3-dimensional animations of situations that occur in real life; they then freeze each simulation at a particular moment in time and use 3D printing to bring the situation back into the physical world. The phenomena that Gever chooses to depict and the way in which he freezes them often create a sense of suspense or wonder.

Aside from the shear feat of digitally reproducing complex real-world phenomena, what I find most interesting about Gever’s work is the way in which he captures a specific moment in time that, in the realm of everyday life, passes us by. His selection of the moment and the material/medium he chooses to represent the moment physically causes us to reinterpret the phenomenon and look at our physical world differently thereafter. I find this inspiring and authentic.

Gever’s work is very singular at the moment. Each work follows a similar process of studying a single phenomenon and representing that phenomenon digitally and physically. What I think would add a level of complexity to Gever’s work is if he were to use his digital simulation mastery to begin to create clashes between phenomena, especially if they are situations don’t occur in the real world. This, I think, would yield unexpected results and, again, cause witnesses to reinterpret their physical world.