

The Virtuix Omni is a first-of-its-kind active virtual reality motion platform. Compared to the prevailing augmented reality such as Pokemon Go! and virtual reality such as PSVR and Oculus rift, Vituix Omni is a platform that brought you into the virtual world. Compared to AR and VR which largely depends on algorithms and software engineering, VO is a hardware work still in concept. The prototype was highly priced. It has a high-tech circle to fix player’s body and a smooth platform on which players could move smoothly. The sensors around the ring could detect the move of the body. Within the circle, the player is equipped with Oculus and player stick. The authors combined the hardware such as sensors with the VR system to create a real virtual world for the player. And the players’ motion is the feedback that authors intend to capture during the game. The author was inspired by VR and brought it to a higher level of experience using Unity engines and motion tracking hardware. This is the concept of true VR platform. Currently, people has been used it for gaming. Yet in the future, it could be used in other fields such as 3D modeling and




The artists vsualzied three data about people’s lives in New York into some public posters. I admire the project because the artists are giving the art and design fields new definition which inspire people to rethink of their daily lives. The artists using Python, PHP, MySQL and other tools to generate data, but they did not stop with those bunch of data, they rearrange the data and make them present in a more visual way. They used color contrast, density contrast and waves to indicate the change on the flow of people, data and environmental factors over time, and finally present these visualized data to public using large posters. In this way, people are getting more aware of the their daily lives, and things happened around them. By looking at things from a god view, the invisible trend and subtle changes become visible, making people to realize or know more about who they are and what they are doing. That is part of the main goal of art and design: to inspire and invoke people to something that are being ignored.



//Zhuoying Lin
//Section A
// Project-02-Variable-Face

var colorA = 243;
var colorB = 175;
var colorC = 133;
var colorD = 75;
var colorE = 251;
var colorF = 228;
var colorG = 243;
var colorH = 275;
var colorI = 244;
var colorJ = 145;
var colorK = 5;

var hairA = 290;
var eyeLX = 155
var eyeLY = 235
var eyeRX = 245
var eyeRY = 235


function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

    fill(colorA, colorB, colorB);
    quad(220, 350, 160, 480, 100, 480, 160, 350);

    fill(colorC, colorD, colorE);
    arc(200, hairA, 330, hairA + 150, PI, 0);

    fill(colorF, colorG, colorH);
    ellipse(200, 240, 200 ,240);

    stroke(85, 75, 37);
    curve(120, 200, 140, 180, 160, 180, 180, 200);
    curve(210, 200, 230, 180, 250, 180, 270, 200);

    ellipse(150, 230, 30, 30);
    ellipse(240, 230, 30, 30);

    ellipse(eyeLX, eyeLY, 10, 10);
    ellipse(eyeRX, eyeRY, 10, 10);

    fill(244, 145, 5);
    triangle(195, 250, 215, 290, 175, 290);

    fill(246, 124, 150);
    arc(195, 305, 40, 80, 0, PI);

    line(155, 305, 235 ,305);

function mousePressed() {
    hairA = random(290, 350);
    colroA = random(10, 255);
    colorB = random(10, 230);
    colorC = random(0, 200);
    colorD = random(50, 100);
    colorE = random(0, 255);
    colorF = random(0, 255);
    colorG = random(0, 255);
    colorH = random(0, 255);
    colorI = random(0, 255);
    colorJ = random(0, 255);
    eyeLX = random(140, 155);
    eyeLY = random(218, 235);
    eyeRX = random(228, 245);
    eyeRY = random(218, 235);


For this project, I want to make different elements to change in a different way. I tried to make the distance between the end of hair end and headtop to maintain the same so I use equations to replace a single variable.

zhuoyinl- self portrait


//Zhuoying Lin
//section a

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {

    fill(86, 63,2);
    arc(200, 200, 200, 275, PI, 0, CHORD);
    arc(100, 200, 100, 150, 0, PI, CHORD);
    arc(300, 200, 100, 150, 0, PI, CHORD);

    arc(75, 200, 50, 50, 0, PI, CHORD);
    arc(325, 200, 50, 50, 0,PI, CHORD);

    fill(227, 202, 175);
    ellipse(200, 200, 150, 190);

    stroke(78, 51, 22);
    curve(135, 180, 155, 155, 175, 155, 195, 180);
    curve(200, 180, 220, 155, 240, 155, 260, 180);

    line(145, 170, 180, 180);
    line(180, 180, 145, 190);
    line(215, 180, 250, 170);
    line(215, 180, 250, 190);

    triangle(197, 190, 180, 220, 215, 220);

    arc(197, 235, 60, 70, 0, PI, CHORD);

    fill(235, 233, 233); 
    rect(185, 235, 10, 10);
    rect(200, 235, 10, 10);
