
Generative Typography (GT by Q)

Q’s Generative Type

This project was developed by a professor in the School of Design, Kyuha Shim. I really enjoy his project as he creates an algorithm that bridges designers’ logic with computation through software generated typography. The algorithm establishes systematic patterns from type iterations, and can create different combinations of typographic forms. The resulting forms are not only pleasing to look at, but can also be taken further, becoming responsive to external inputs such as sound and motion. I think Shim has always been involved in data visualization, typography, and code work for some time, and this series of work were created between 2011 and 2014. The project required custom software I believe, that toggled different inputs and iterations. Shim may have been inspired by other forms of existing parametric design. Generative Typography provides a new paradigm of metadesign, where designers can push boundaries of creation beyond traditional type rules and guides.


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