hannahk2- Project-01


//Hannah Kim
//Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    background(0, 38, 74);

function draw() {
	//triangle top
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(205, 176, 268, 237, 416, 322);

	//head curve
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(224, 186, 259, 255, 293, 217);

	//head triangle
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	triangle(212, 243, 161, 306, 239, 308);

	//hair top curve
	bezier(203, 180, 294, 177, 390, 231, 438, 300);

	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	ellipse(293, 308, 276, 176);

	//top quad cover
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	quad(233, 196, 250, 297, 410, 378, 350, 222);

	//hair mid section quad
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	stroke(0, 92, 153);
	quad(158, 293, 128, 426, 466, 463, 413, 322);

	//bottom hair curve
	fill(0, 142, 214);
	bezier(130, 403, 77, 457, 168, 467, 363, 447);

	fill(214, 219, 223);
	ellipse(291, 375, 242, 185);

	fill(214, 219, 223);
	triangle(291, 271, 214, 343, 366, 331);

	//right eye
	fill(238, 249, 236);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(426, 377, 166, 150);

	//left eye
	fill(238, 249, 236);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(200, 366, 166, 150);

	//right pupil
	fill(0, 0, 0);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(434, 379, 91, 92);

	//left pupil
	fill(0, 0, 0);
	stroke(0, 38, 74);
	ellipse(200, 379, 91, 92);

	//top lip
	fill(147, 221, 220)
	ellipse(330, 415, 64, 18);

	//bottom lip
	fill(45, 198, 214)
	ellipse(330, 435, 64, 16);


This project was very hard for me as it was one of my first times coding. I am kind of embarrassed with my results, and had a very difficult time forming some shapes such as curves and whatnot, but once I learn how to use the different shape functions better, I think i will be able to make more successful drawings.

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