

The Wanderers designed a computational growth process which is capable of producing a wide variety of growing structures. Inspired by natural growth behaviour, the computational process creates shapes that adapt to their environment. Starting with a seed, the process simulates growth by continuously expanding and refining its shape.
A lot of reference comes from organic matters and Prof. Neri Oxman try to reinvent that computationally.

The project by the Wanderers intrigued me to look more in to their work because the 3d shapes that they created look very complex. I am interested how they were able to reproduce organic shapes computationally and how these shapes grow out continuously. It is also interesting to see how these forms are translated to apparels. It is also interesting how gross looking they are because it has a glossy texture to them.

For this project, I wished there was a video or gif that would continuously draw these forms that I can stare in to.

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