
This is Ambient Synthesis, a sculpture which emits sounds of varying frequencies according to its light stimuli. It was created by Amanda Ghassaei in 2012 who graduated from Pomona College with a BA in Physics and Minor in Chemistry.

All of the sculpture’s data is interpreted by a MaxMSP application which uses the Max visual programming language to connect an object to virtual patch cords to create sound. What I find most interesting about this project is that it gives the environment and light around the sculpture a voice. This is contrary of videos of landscapes that are coupled with music that may not reflect the actual state of the animals and nature being filmed.

I’m very curious about what other factors of an environment, besides light, could be used to create sound. It would be interesting to see a sculpture respond to natural disasters, temperature, or the amount of movement around it…what if a specific sound were emitted if a creature were within a certain range of the sculpture? The sculpture would then be notifying you of something that maybe you can’t detect with your eyes, unlike light. It would then serve as a guardian, informing you of how large the animal is that’s approaching, and perhaps let you know whether it is a threat.

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