Looking Outwards 04 – Yugyeong Lee

The Classyfier is a smart object, created by three students, that detects the beverages the users are drinking and through that naturally chooses music that fits the situation. This table enhance the atmosphere in different situations. Through identifying characteristic sounds, the table, through computational program, plays the appropriate music. Altough the final form is a simple, and quite small, just adequate to place few drinks, the table has built in microphone system with computational program that is “pre-trained” to have the ability to identify different drinks. For example, as shown in the video below, the user stirs the hot tea, which naturally creates sound. Then, the table analyze the sound to play music accordingly. It is interesting that the program is trained and the most interesting part of the project is that it is a smart object that naturally can bleed into the everyday life. Although in terms of form it is simple, the ambient it generates is very unique.

video in the link: http://www.creativeapplications.net/processing/the-classyfier-ai-detects-situation-and-appropriates-music/

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