
Created by Aldo Martínez Calzadilla, this is a 3D generated portrait of an Aghori. I found this work on the same page as the Ebola Virus example, and was completely amazed at the level of detail and accuracy this portrait has.

Calzadilla specializes in 3D models, spending meticulous time modelling and sculpting people and backgrounds, using programs such as Maya, ZBrush, and Mari. This particular piece of work was made in two weeks, and is his most recent work aside from his professional portfolio. The artist’s love for detail work is seen in his close attention to accurate anatomy and texture, which is a common trait for all of his work.

I admire literally everything about his work. It is so utterly realistic and beautiful, and at first glance you wouldn’t be able to tell it was computer generated. Every little aspect of the piece, from shadows to individual hairs, is so well thought-out and placed. This really demonstrates technology’s current abilities to render something so realistic, and with artists like Calzadilla, it can only get better.


The bare model of the figure


The final product

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