rfarn -Project-06-AbstractClock

For this project, it took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do. At first I was stuck on the idea of a clock being circular and thought of creating a flower with petals to represent hours, minutes and seconds. However, I thought this wasn’t abstract enough. After pondering for a bit, I came up with the idea of creating a landscape with certain parts that would gradually change over time. At first, I thought of just creating a natural landscape with a sun, river, and mountains, but I felt this wasn’t personalized enough.

While thinking of what to do, I was siting at my kitchen table staring at the couch across from me and out my window. I finally decided to take inspiration from my own room and create an image of this view of the room. I decided to add a few different fun features to the actual clock.

In the abstract clock, the light turns on and off by the second, the sky and sun shift by the hour, and the mouth of the couch gradually opens by the minute.


function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 400);

function draw() {
	background(164, 158, 141);
	var h = hour();

//window assembly
	var windowM = 80; //margins on sides of window (distance from edge of canvas to edge of window)
	var windowW = 320; //width of window
	var windowH = 240; //height of window
	if(h > 0 & h < 13){ //sky brightens from 1am - 12pm
		var skyR = h * (167/12); //red
		var skyG = h * (206/12); //green
		var skyB = h * (214/12); //blue
	} else { //sky darkens from 1pm - 12am
		var skyR = 167 - (h - 12) * (167/12); //red
		var skyG = 206 - (h - 12) * (206/12); //green
		var skyB = 214 - (h - 12) * (214/12); //blue

	fill(skyR, skyG, skyB);
	rect(windowM, 0, windowW, windowH);
	stroke(60, 61, 59);
	line(windowM, 0, windowM, windowH); //left border
	line(windowM + windowW, windowH, windowM + windowW, 0); //right border

	var sunDiam = 100; //diameter of sun
	var sunX = width/2; //x position of sun

	if(h > 0 & h < 13){ //sun rises from 1am-12pm
		var sunY = (windowH + sunDiam/2) - h * ((windowH + sunDiam)/12);
	} else { //sun lowers from 1pm-12am
		var sunY = -sunDiam/2 + (h - 12) * ((windowH + sunDiam)/12); //y position of sun
	if(h > 0 & h < 13){ //sun brightens from 1am-12pm
		var sunR = h * (211/12); //red
		var sunG = h * (130/12); //green
		var sunB = h * (115/12); //blue
	} else { //sun darkens from 1pm-12am
		var sunR = 211 - (h - 12) * (211/12); //red
		var sunG = 130 - (h - 12) * (130/12); //green
		var sunB = 115 - (h - 12) * (115/12); //blue

	fill(sunR, sunG, sunB);
	ellipse(sunX, sunY, sunDiam, sunDiam);

	var couchR = 228; //couch red
	var couchG = 231; //couch green
	var couchB = 189; //couch blue
	var cushionW = 180 - minute() * (140/60); //changing width of cushion
	var cushionR = 240 + minute() * (140/60); //changing x position of right cushion

	stroke(couchR - 10, couchG - 10, couchB - 10);
	fill(couchR, couchG, couchB);
	rect(60, windowH - 10, 360, height - windowH + 10, 40);	//back of couch
	//couch face
	fill(211, 130, 115);
	rect(60, windowH + 65, 360, 75); //mouth gums
	stroke(261, 80, 65);
	line(120, 345, 360, 345); //mouth
	rect(210, 330, 20, 20); //tooth right
	rect(250, 330, 20, 20); //tooth left
	ellipse(140, 270, 30, 40); //eye white left
	ellipse(340, 270, 30, 40); //eye white right
	ellipse(340, 275, 20, 20); //pupil left
	ellipse(140, 275, 20, 20); //pupil right

	stroke(couchR - 10, couchG - 10, couchB - 10);
	fill(couchR, couchG, couchB);
	rect(60, windowH + 65, cushionW, 75, 20); //left cushion
	rect(cushionR, windowH + 65, cushionW, 75, 20); //right cushion
	rect(50, 260, 40, 200, 40); //left arm rest
	rect(width - 90, 260, 40, 200, 40); //right arm rest

	if(second() % 2 == 0){ //turns on every other second
		fill(242, 239, 199);
		rect(440, 60, 50, 100);
	} else {
		rect(440, 60, 50, 100);
	fill(60, 61, 59); 
	rect(470, 160, 20, 400); //lamp stand

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