daphnel-Looking Outwards-07

Atlas of Emotions

In 2014, the concept of creating an Atlas of Emotion through data visualization was created. Dalai Lama and Dr. Paul Ekman were inspired by their conversations with each other to create this Atlas. The concept for this was to create a map that would guide emotional travels and try to help them find their state of calm. The 5 main emotions considered are Anger, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Enjoyment. I find this project very interesting and reflective of the creators themselves because although the map looks fairly simple, there was a lot of data put into this piece of work and it is a lot more meaningful than a regular map. I admire how much detail they put into the meaning of this map. Each of the five continents of emotion contain states which can lead to actions, triggers, moods and so forth. This project aims to bridge together the gap between the academic and personal.

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