
(Simon Russell, Audio Geometry: Circles Within Circles, 2016)

Simon Russell is an artist that explores the relationship between sound and shape. He utilizes the program “Houdini” to create and earn audio files produced by collusions of f-curves. Most sounds are created through 3D geometric shapes, and their heights differentiate the pitch of the sounds. After sounds are created in Houdini, they are then exported to Cinema 4D. Additional geometric shapes are rendered afterwards to create visuals that go with the sounds. This project is fascinating because the sound files and the geometric shapes are original. The sound comes from randomly colliding set of geometric shapes, and the sound in return produces a new representing set of geometric shapes. The give and take relationship of these factors seemed very new and interesting to me. The visuals were also very aesthetically pleasing, which is also a plus in terms of artistic sensibilities.

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