mmirho – Looking Outwards 7

Shape in Scapes – Transporting architecture into audio-video performance

“Shape in Scapes – Transporting architecture into audio-video performance”

Created by Studio Antimateria and POLITECNICO di PIACENZA’s students.

The algorithms used in this program, especially seen in this first picture, were generated through a simple program I could design, with many points reflecting off walls and flowing together as a liquid. The rest of the animations were mostly designed specifically for the surface and created an incredible light show on the model and topography.

Here’s an example of a more designed formation from the project.

This work shows a large scale model of a sprawled town. The lights are what makes it significant, as they represent data points and patterns in the structure of the three models, and how they form spaces and direction.

This surface of light, although I’m unaware of the technology used to create it, had simple computationally generative design behind it, and lots of directly artistic, human-created design.

I really enjoy this project because it expresses a common architectural structure in a brilliantly flashy, even more artistic way. The initial idea of the project definitely reflects the artist’s sensibilities, as it was designed to do so, directly by the artist, of course. Little computation was used, so little randomness and unpredictability occurred. However, as a result, the entire project felt a lot less natural.

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