keuchuka – 08 – looking outwards

Jer Thorp – Eyeo Festival 2011 from Eyeo Festival // INSTINT on Vimeo.

Jer Thorp is an artist and educator from Vancouver, Canada. He has a background in genetics, and his art practice explores boundaries between science, data, art, and culture. He curates large scale data into elegant information analytics, some real time. He has collaborated with important institutes like the New York Times, NASA, and the 9/11 Memorial. His work takes large scale data that is hard to imagine and represent simply for a quick experience. He is able to break down large data into a part to whole relationship, then builds up an analytic that uses that logic. He uses many simple, iterative, and aesthetically pleasing diagrams that are easy to understand and remember in the moment. The graphic style and references are also consistent throughout the presentation (or at least the presentation of one project). These simple diagrams then build up to a much more complex and large scale analytic that is easily understandable.

link to his website

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