atraylor – Project 09 – Section B


//project 09
//Section B

var face = "";
var imScale = 10;
var offset = [];
var step = [];
function preload(){
    currentImage = loadImage(face);
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    for(var i = 0; i < 2400; i++){
        offset.push(random(-2, 2));
        step.push(random(-100, 100));
function draw() {
    // currentImage.loadPixels();
    // Render the current image to the canvas.
    image(currentImage, 0, 0);

    for (var y = 0; y < currentImage.height; y++){ // y location of pixels
        for (var x = 0; x < currentImage.width; x++) { // x location of pixels
            var index = (x + y * currentImage.width) * 4; // to analyze the rgba values in the pixels

            var p = []; // the pixel array
            p[0] = currentImage.pixels[index]; // r
            p[1]= currentImage.pixels[index+1]; // g
            p[2] = currentImage.pixels[index+2]; // b
            p[3] = currentImage.pixels[index+3]; // a

            var brightP = brightness(p);
            //draw "pixels"
            rect(x* imScale + noise(offset[x]), y* imScale + noise(offset[y]), imScale, imScale);
            offset[x] += step[x];
            offset[y] += step[y];


Here is a digital portrait of me and my sister, or my sister and me? We’re two years apart but people, to our confusion, always think we’re twins. We did a face-swap one day and it was hilarious: we didn’t seem to change at all.

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