Project 12 Proposal – nahyunk1

For this final project, I will be working with Yugyeong Lee in section B. We are going to design and generate a reactor that will respond to sound ranging from simple noises to music pieces that embody numerous pitches and noise amplitude. We will assign limitations by mapping each of these levels to provide different animations reacting to different set of ranges. Through this project, we will explore the mechanism of sound reactors and how they can be visually represented to the eye. We will possibly attempt to provide an interactive version of the product once we accomplish the creation of the reactor to general preloaded sound files so that once the built-in microphone hears and understands music coming out from another device, it will present according images / animations that we have assigned for that certain range of value. Additionally, here’s a link that provides a small emblem that responds to the assigned music given in the video.

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