Han Yu Looking Outwards 01

Arch 6 by Eric Standley. Cut Paper and watercolor.
Detailed look of Phidala by Eric Standley.








I was really inspired by Eric Standley’s laser cut paper art. Its incredibly intricate design is composed of at least 100 layers of antique paper precisely cut by a laser. Standley is the sole designer and craftsman of his laser papercuts. A lot of the patterns in his works are borrowed from gothic and islamic arts. His works often take several months to create since each layer of paper needs to be carefully planned. He needs to think about the negative spaces which are going to be cut off and also how can each layer contributes to the overall 3-D effect. And all of the designs are hand drawn on paper and then moved to software that controls the laser. In the interview below, Standley said his work started out as a bold exploration of a cardboard project he was working on a few years ago, as he decided to use laser technology to cut more precisely. Standley is hoping to make more complex works on larger scales in the future.

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