Noni Shelton-LookingOutwards-01

Aperture is a facade installation with interactive and narrative display modes. Composed of single-aperture modules with receptor and actuator, Aperture acts like an autonomous skin. Capable of precise external control. Visual information is transmitted from the inside of the building to the outside.

Pinterest shows an example of a man walking and how the aperture holes reflect his movement.

This Aperture project was created by interactive designers, Gunner Green and Frederic Eyl. It is essentially the visual aftermath of having tiny light sensitive holes become larger with less light and smaller with more. Thus, it is an interactive piece as silhouettes and shapes form from those who pass by. Although this particular design is very unique, the programming and technology behind the light exposure itself is easily accessible. Practical uses of aperture are extremely popular in photography and could have easily served as inspiration for the creators of the project. I really appreciate this project as a whole. This was an extremely laborious project to create, and I thought the dedication to this type of medium was impressive. They took one function of something and then gave it a completely different and interactive use as modern art. I also think it is admirable to use a more science based tool and turn it into an exhibit. This could also point to a new artistic idea of using aperture as a medium, which could change the face of contemporary art.


A video of their project can be found here.

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