Carley Johnson Project 02 Section E


/*Carley Johnson
Section E
Assignment 02A

var skinColor = 250
var headH = 175
var headW = 150
var eyeColor = 226
var lipColor = 145
var lipCorner = 200
var hairLength = 220
var eyebrowH1 = 160
var eyebrowH2 = 155

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(182, 212, 115);

    fill(112, 62, 40)
    stroke(112, 62, 40)
    rect(200, 90, 220, hairLength, 100, 100, 0, 0 ) //back hair

   fill(255, skinColor, 180)
   ellipse(300, 200 , headW, headH) //Head

   fill(128, eyeColor, 252)
   ellipse (275, 175, 10, 10) //Left Eye

   fill(128, eyeColor, 252)
   ellipse (300, 175, 10, 10) //Right Eye

   fill(255, 124, lipColor)
   stroke(255, 124, 145)
   bezier(275, lipCorner, 280, 210, 285, 210, 300, lipCorner) //mouth

   fill(215, 106, 58)
   stroke(215, 106, 58)
   rect (270, 90, 125, 75, 0, 50, 0, 50) //bangs

   fill(112, 62, 40)
   stroke(112, 62, 40)
   bezier(255, eyebrowH1, 270, eyebrowH2, 280, eyebrowH2, 280, eyebrowH1) //Left eyebrow

   fill(112, 62, 40)
   stroke(112, 62, 40)
   bezier(290, eyebrowH1, 290, eyebrowH2, 300, eyebrowH2, 320, eyebrowH1) //right eyebrow


function mousePressed() {
     skinColor = random(190, 250)
     headW = random(150, 200)
     headH = random(150, 200)
     eyeColor = random(190, 270)
     lipColor = random(60, 160)
     lipCorner = random(220, 185)
     hairLength = random(200, 300)
     eyebrowH1= random(170, 160)
     eyebrowH2 = random(160, 145)

This was tough, a real learn-by-doing experience. Now I feel like I really understand variables and how to control them (like learning to add parameters to the ‘randomness’ under the mousePressed function) and am proud of this. It may not be the most complex face, but it definitely changes and the way the expression changes (done by changing the height of the corners of the mouth and eyebrows) which I really like.

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