Eliza Pratt – Looking Outwards 02

LIA’s mechanical plotter drawings demonstrate how generative art can be used to create expressive works that still retain the signature of the artist. Using code written in Processing (a software program developed for the arts) and Micron pen fastened to a plotter, LIA creates beautiful works that vary in shape and composition. Not only do I admire LIA as a female creative programmer, but these “drawn” prints feel eloquently reminiscent of traditional printmaking practices. Much like in printmaking, the art of printing the work is equally as important as the image itself, and the copies that result from this process are inherently one-of-a-kind. Though created with code and executed by machine, the shapes and compositions of these works show evidence of human thought and creativity. While these drawings may lack the nuances of traditional art, LIA’s personality and expressiveness still clearly shines through.

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