Helen Reynolds – Looking Outwards – 02

Nervous System: Floraform Sculptures (2014)

Floraform sculptures
Florescence Ornata 2

I think that these floraform pieces are really inspiring to me because they aim to instersect art, science, and technology. Artistic pieces inspired by the biomechanisms of growing plants and blooming flowers, these floraform sculptures are not only beautiful but also backed by research and almost feel like they’re alive. I hope to someday be able to intersect my varied interests in a fluid way, like Nervous System studio does here.

As for the algorithm itself, Nervous System states that creating these pieces was like “digital gardening”, where the “plants” are algorithms. I think it’s super cool that they were able to mimic organic growth with algorithms. I also think that the amount of thought that had to go into these pieces is crazy – lots of research had to have been done to understand exactly how plants grow, and even more had to go into effectively imitating it.

Check it out on Nervous System!

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