Rjpark – Looking Outwards 03

Photo of 3D printed sculpture of Obama’s speech

Gilles Azzaro’s 3D printed sound sculptures are works of art that honor the things he finds important in life like his friend’s baby’s first cry or Neil Armstrong speaking about walking on the moon. In this specific project, Azzaro created a sculpture of sound waves from Obama’s speech, The Next Industrial Revolution. In order to do this, it took 2 printers and 200+ hours as well as an installation of a green light that follows the sound waves as the speech is told. You can tell through the green light that the creator cared not only about the visual or auditory aspect of the project but also about the connection between the two. In fact, I admire that addition (green light) to the project the most. It’s already fascinating enough to try creating a visual representation of sound but it’s even more fascinating to connect an audience’s auditory and visual sense with something as simple as a green light running across the sculpture for the audience’s eyes to follow. I find the attention to this small but important detail really admirable and innovative. This 3D printing project serves not only as a piece of beautiful artwork but also as a testament to important historical and worldly events.

3D Printing Project

Gilles Azzaro

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