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This article begins to talk about the merge of music and technology. With the idea of robots being able to do jobs that humans can, many people begin to wonder whether robots and AI would have to ability to create music without the need of humans. Francois Pachet, head of SONY’s computer science lab in Paris, believed that they were very close to programming computers into creating melodies through the mashing of music’s produced by Legrand and McCartney. According to scientist, composer, and author, David Cope, music contains instructions that can be synthesized into different yet similar outputs. Cope also designed EMMY, an emulator, that creates music that are similar to Bach chorale, Mozart sonata, Chopin mazurka and Joplin Rag.

This ongoing process captured my attention since people within this field has a strong desire to link machine to music. In this era, the idea of multidisciplinary designs and work are applied in every field. Yet art, especially music, and machine are one of the harder combinations due to its different workflow. By trying to merge the two fields together, both fields of work would have layers of new discovery and understanding. Music that makes people cry, happy, and emotional would no longer only be achieved by people, but also by machines.



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