Shirley Chen – Looking Outward -05

The advancement in technology has made 3D graphic easier to be produced and popular as a new type of art. With the increasingly appearing 3D graphic arts, both the viewers and artists are given a innovative way of thinking art that is beyond the 2D constrain. 3D graphics usually creates a feeling of future and represents surrealism. This new way of creating art inspires a Vienna-based artist, Bianka Oravecz, to generate 3D arts including globular-looking masses, crystalline, geological, and abstract forms. She just transitioned to three-dimensional art this year, after eight years of working with two-dimensional graphic design.

Working with three-dimensional art, Oravecz mainly focuses on issues including technology, female identity, and biology. She also explores micro and macro worlds, virtual fields, and landscapes. For her, playing with forms and shapes in 3D graphic can convey the “falling apart of meanings”. She wants to create innovative, never-before-seen imagery, and explore the mixture of physical and virtual.

Three Dimensional Image Created by Bianka Oravecz

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