Curran Zhang- LookingOutwards-5

In today’s era, the line between 3D and 2D has long been erased. With the help of digital tools, 2D and 3D is practically the same thing. The work of Matteo Zamagni is proof of such occurrence. In his film, “Horror Vacui”, he dives into the dimensions of the earth. Through the help of software like PhotoScan, Google Earth, Houdini, Cinema 4D, and more, Zamagni strives to blur the distinction between reality and digital perceptions. These technologies have allowed the Zamagni to create terrains that also begin to distinguish between nature and man.

Example of 2D drawings created from various softwares

As an architecture student, the idea of blending 2D and 3D is always within our works. The additional steps of mapping out nature and man gives it another push into what architecture students should aim to contribute or change. The idea of mapping out terrains can be stretched out into different fields of work. Through the idea of mapping, concepts of actions and non-tangible things can be produced into 2D works. This would open up many pathways of the representation in all fields.

Factors, like the sea, that change the Earth are also mapped
Mapping of human interaction with the nature is a major component within the project



Horror Vacui – Exploring Earth’s (un)real geological formations

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