LookingOutwards-06-Erin Fuller

I found this Looking Outwards prompt particularly difficult. Maybe it is just how I view life but I find it hard for anything to be authentically “random”. The work I finally settled on was “8-Corner” by Georg Nees, a German scholar who is commonly cited as a pioneer of computer art and generative graphics.

GEORG NEES8-CORNER / GENERATIVE COMPUTER GRAPHIC, 1960s “To produce the graphics, I used a drawing board controlled by a punch tape and a digital computer producing the pilot tape. Each graphic has random parameters. The program for each graphic...
“8-CORNER”, Georg Nees, 1960s

“Rule for 8-corner: Distribute eight dots inside the figure square and connect them with a closed straight edge line.” – Nees

This graphic composition was created using a drawing board controlled by a punch tape and a digital computer producing the pilot tape. How it is random is that, because each graphic repeats a generative fundamental operation, the redundancy produces a random parametric value of the graphic during the repetition.

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