Ean Grady-LookingOutwards-06

Matt DesLauriers, a self-titled creative developer, uses Node.js and HTML5 to create high-resolution generative artwork. His main project in this regard is called “Color Wander”, a high-resolution full-browser form of the generative artwork. He has a blog post describing some of the methods he used to make Color-Wander.  In order to make his art and renderings look more ‘polished’, he used various photos of snails, flowers, architecture and geometry as what he calls “distortion maps” to help drive the algorithm. Each particle in the algorithm is rendered as a “small line segment in the direction of its velocity.” Also in order to randomize whether some lines curl tightly or head straight, the artist randomized the scale of the noise.

I find this project interesting because it shows specifically how you would use randomization in creating art, which makes it easier to visualize and see when looking at the actual artwork.  Additionally, in the blog post, it shows some actual code, which is really interesting to look at and try to understand it.

Link to Color-Wander: http://color-wander.surge.sh/
Link to Color-Wander blogpost: https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/generative-art-with-nodejs-and-canvas

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