Dani Delgado Project 07 – Curves


var nPoints = 100;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
	//in this for loop, we draw the bakcground element of the randomized curve
	translate(width / 2, height / 2);
	for (r = 0; r < nPoints; r ++) {
    //in this loop, we draw the primary forground element 
    //which is the center devil's curve
	translate(width / 2, height / 2);
	rotate(mouseX / mouseY);
    for (v = 0; v < nPoints; v ++) {
    	stroke(mouseX - 200, v, mouseY - 300);
    //this loop is to create the six rotating deveil's vurves
    for ( c = 0; c < 6; c ++) {
    	translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    	rotate(radians(60 * c));
	    translate(width / 4, height / 4);
	    rotate(mouseX / mouseY);
            for (v = 0; v < nPoints; v ++) {
    	    stroke(mouseX - 100, v, mouseY - 100);

function drawDevilBoi (x) {
    //draw the devil's curve in this function 
    //first declare all the variables 
    var x;
    var y; 

    var c = constrain((mouseX / width), 0, 1);
    var co = constrain((mouseY / height), 0.0, 1.0);

    var a = c * ((mouseX - 200) / 3 * (100 + v) / 100);
    var b = co * ((mouseY - 200) / 3 * (100 + v) / 100);

    //set desire stroke
    //draw the curve
    for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i += 5) {
    	var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, TWO_PI); 
    	x = cos(t) * sqrt ((pow(a, 2) * pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(b, 2) * pow(cos(t), 2)) / (pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(cos(t), 2)));
    	y = sin(t) * sqrt ((pow(a, 2) * pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(b, 2) * pow(cos(t), 2)) / (pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(cos(t), 2)));
    	vertex(x, y + 10);

function drawRandomDevil (x) {
	//draw another devil's curve, this time there is an element of randomness with it

	var x;
    var y; 

    var c = constrain((mouseX / width), 0, 1);
    var co = constrain((mouseY / height), 0.0, 1.0);

    var a = c * ((mouseX - 200) / 3 * (100 + r) / 100);
    var b = co * ((mouseY - 200) / 3 * (100 + r) / 100);
    //set the desired stroke 
    //start to draw the curve
    //this curve will be in the background and looks like noise
    for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i += 7) {
    	var t = map(i, 0, nPoints, 0, random(radians(350, 360))); 
    	x = cos(t) * sqrt ((pow(a, 2) * pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(b, 2) * pow(cos(t), 2)) / (pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(cos(t), 2)));
    	y = sin(t) * sqrt ((pow(a, 2) * pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(b, 2) * pow(cos(t), 2)) / (pow(sin(t), 2) - pow(cos(t), 2)));
    	vertex(x, y + 10);

This project was a bit of a mixed bag for me, as I did struggle to implement the curve into my work at first and make it appear in a way that I wanted it to. (Also choosing the curve I wanted to pursue took me a while, but I ultimately settled on The Devil’s Curve because I thought that it’s shape was very unique and could produce some nice variation). However, once I figured that out and began to play around I really enjoyed myself. I never really knew what changing the variables would make my code look like, so it was an exciting process of trial and error to create a nice form.

The initial Devil’s Curve
Exploring withe the for loop functions and variables of the curve
First noise and expanding loop idea
first try at repeating the curve and changing the color

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