Eliza Pratt – Looking Outwards 09

“Norman,” a 3D drawing tool made by James Paterson, 2017

This week, my interest was piqued by Dani’s Looking Outwards 08. Her post details the work of James Paterson, an animator and software developer who uses javascript and VR technology to create computational art. For Paterson’s project Norman, as seen in the video above, he uses Javascript to create a tool that allows the user to draw in 3D space.  While learning about this artist, I found Dani’s analysis to be very informative in describing his creative process. Moreover, I agree with her remark that creating software such as this makes an intangible artistic concept more accessible to the public. One of the most beautiful aspects of this project is that Paterson has posted the source code for this drawing tool online so he can share this creative experience with others.

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