Sarah Yae – Project 9 – Section B


//Sarah Yae
//Section B
//Project 9

var basepic;
var sqsize = 5;
var click = 0; 

//Load Image
function preload() {
    var myportrait = "";
    basepic = loadImage(myportrait);

//Translates original image 
function setup() {

    createCanvas(275, 300);

//Makes certain pixels into rectangles after retrieving that pixel's color 
    for (var x = 2; x < width; x += (sqsize + 2)) {
        for (var y = 2; y < height; y += (sqsize + 2)) {
            var color = basepic.get(x,y);
            rect (x, y, sqsize, sqsize);


//Turns image into black and white once mouse pressed 
function mousePressed() {

    createCanvas(275, 300);

    for (var x = 2; x < width; x += (sqsize + 2)) {
        for (var y = 2; y < height; y += (sqsize + 2)) {
            var r = basepic.get(x,y)[1]; //Retrieves a pixel's 1st value in its array 
            fill(r, r, r);
            rect (x, y, sqsize, sqsize);


Once you click on the image, the translated image turns black and white. I had a hard time figuring out how  to change the image black and white, but I used pixel array to make it work.

Translated Image with Color
Translated Image into Black and White

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