Jenny Hu — Week 10: Generative Landscape

jenny’s sketch

//Jenny Hu
//Section E
//Project 10

var moonx;
var moony;
var moonr;

var sunx;
var suny;
var sunr;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 300);
    hillSpeedB = random(0.000002, 0.00003);
    hillSpeedFront = random(0.000005, 0.00009); 
    moonx = 350;
    moony = random(20,80);
    moonr = random(20,50);
    sunx = 420;
    suny = random(90,200);
    sunr = random(80,150);

function draw() {
    //background gradient
    var c1 = color(0);
    var c2 = color(200);

    for (var i = 0; i < height/2; i++){
        var gr = map (i, 0, height/2, 0, 1);
        var newC = lerpColor( c1, c2, gr);
        line(0, i, width, i);

    //make my moon and sun

    moonx = moonx - .01;
    if (moonx < -100) {
        moonx = 490;
        moonx = moonx - .01;


    sunx = sunx - .01;
    if (sunx < -100) {
        sunx = 490;
        sunx = sunx - .01;

    //generate my hills

function drawHill() {

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = x * 0.002 + (millis() * hillSpeedB);
        var y = map(noise(t), 0,.9, 0, height/2);
        line(x, y, x, height);

    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        var t = x * 0.003 + (millis() * hillSpeedFront);
        var y = map(noise(t), 0, 0.7, 0, height);
        line(x, y, x, height);

function myMoon(){
    ellipse(moonx, moony , moonr, moonr);
function mySun(){
    ellipse(sunx, suny , sunr, sunr);

For this project, I wanted to lean especially simple and elegant. Arguably, this might have been one of the most off-kilter process thus far in the class— I started with the intention to do simple, but subtle shapes. I wanted to impose 3D spheres onto the generative landscape, and apply a small gaussian blur to create a greater sense of focus.. but alas, I failed to find how to apply both the blur and the 3D implementation. I had explored and programmed using Perlin noise methods,  and considered multiple ways to apply blur (including generating from an array of images).

I think if I had more time, I would be able to find a method to implement these techniques on top of one another (the noise, with the landscape, with 3D on top), but in this case, I had to scale back.

In doing so, I think I learned a valuable lesson that I should have started small, and worked towards my bigger goal. Scaling back was mildly disappointing.

sketch of the landscape

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