Alessandra Fleck – Looking Outwards – 11

Created by a song done for German duo Meier & Erdmann, this example of computer generated music not only involves the use of algorithms to create music, but also how those patterns in the music can then be translated into a 3D digital landscape. Visual artist from Spain, Victor Doval utilizes the different frequency bands in the music to translate into a visual representation of the band. Inspired by the inherent “journey” music takes its audience on, the music is broken down into data that is then sorted and identified with different lights, shapes, and textures to overlay on the 3D shape and create that “journey” visually to the audience. Note in the background the change in the daylight and sun position as the song progresses. The background is a simple digital representation of the music timeline, where the sun rises in the beginning and sets at the end of the piece.

What I find most interesting about Doval’s work is the idea of visually representing the unseen and utilizing the patterns that can be heard and translating them into something that can be seen.

The above image is a screenshot from the visual landscape Doval creates from the music

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