Jenna Kim (Jeeyoon Kim)- Looking Outwards Week 10- Sound Art

final product of wassiliscope

How light frequency is translated to sound

Christopher Yamane’s “wassiliscope” is a project in which Yamane developed a telescope that translates light frequencies from the eyes to audible frequencies. I admire this because it is a fresh, original idea of something transparent to a form that you can feel and hear at the same time. I personally like how there is less of subjectivity and abstraction to this sound art because it also involves some concepts from physics. I also admire the form of the wassiliscope because of its simplicity, but translation process from sound to music is not so simple. The wassiliscope analyzes the average frequency of the light waves to the center of the telescope with a camera inside Then, the light waves are sent to the triangle wave oscillator and transfer to the head phones that are attached to the telescope. There is artist’s sensibility to the form of the wassiliscope because he made the wassiliscope look as though the telescope and the headphones are one object. There is no unnaturalness to the form although the headphones are attached to the back of the telescope. Also, the simple white color of “wassiliscope” gives a nice delicate, simple feeling.


christopher yamane turns light into sound with wassiliscope

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