Emily Zhou – Looking Outwards – 12

Two projects that I find interesting and are coincidentally somewhat related in subject matter are Step Up To It by Red Paper Heart and Cotton Candy Theremin by StewardessLollipop.

Step Up To it is an installation piece made of sugar cubes. Hundreds of sugar cubes were glued to spell the words “STEP UP TO IT”. When the viewer smiles, a projection causes the sugar cubes to light up in bright colours.

Step Up To It video explanation.

Cotton Candy Theremin is a cotton candy spinning performance. It uses the process of making cotton candy as an interface of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. The audience can trigger sounds and visuals by spinning a cotton candy cone over wisps of candy floss.

Cotton Candy Theremin documentation and interviews.

Both projects use physical materials (both sweets) combined with technology and computing to create an interactive and immersive experience. I admire the fact that both projects require viewer/audience efforts to come to life. I want to incorporate a similar level of fun and engagement in my final project.

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