Liz Maday LO4


Sonic Playground (2018) is an interactive installation created by Yuri Suzuki, as part of an initiative to make the space outside the High Museum of Art in Atlanta more playful and engaging. When you speak into these horn like structures, they manipulate sound depending on your position. The sound was developed in Grasshopper using “wave tracing techniques”. The program allows the user to test different geometric shapes, and how they would affect the sound actually being produced.

This project is inspiring to me because I appreciate the way that it suggests that adults are capable of play and wonder in the same way that children are. Although this installation is reminiscent of the child like structure of a playground, it is intriguing to think about all the complicated programming that went into its precise design.

Sonic Playground, by Yuri Suzuki, at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta

Liz Maday Project 4

liz m proj 4 

//Elizabeth Maday
//Section A
//Project 04

//big purple variables
var x1; 
var y1;
var x2;
var y2;
//orange variables
var a1; 
var b1;
var a2;
var b2;
// corner a variables
var c1;
var d1;
var c2;
var d2;
//corner b variables
var e1;
var f1;
var e2;
var f2;
//click variables
var jump;
var eyeSize;

function setup() {
	createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

    //big purple variables
    var x1 = 25;
    var y1 = height + 5;
    var x2 = 380;
    var y2 = 0;

    //big purple web
    for(i = 0; i < 25; i += .6) {
    	x1 += 5;
    	y1 -= 5;
    	x2 -= 4;
        y2 += 0;
    	line(x1, y1, x2, y2); 

    //orange variables
        var a1 = 50
        var b1 = -40;
        var a2 = width - 200;
        var b2 = height + 20;

    //orange web
    for (i = 0; i < 37; i += .6) {
        a1 -= 3;
        b1 += 2;
        a2 += 5;
        b2 -= 0.5;
        stroke(255, 85, 0);
        line(a1, b1, a2, b2);

    //corner a variables
    c1 = 0;
    d1 = height - 120;
    c2 = 70;
    d2 = height;

    //corner a web
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i += .5) {
    	c1 = 0
    	d1 = height - 120;
    	c2 -= 2;
    	d2 += 8;
    	stroke(0, 93, 68);
    	line(c1, d1, c2, d2);

    //corner b variables
    e1 = -40;
    f1 = height - 90;
    e2 = 105;
    f2 = height;

    //corner b web
    for (i = 0; i < 30; i += .5) {
    	e1 += 1;
    	f1 += 2;
    	e2 = 105;
    	f2 += 5;
    	stroke(0, 93, 35);
    	line(e1, f1, e2, f2);

    //jump variable
    var jump = 0;
    var eyeSize = 2.5;

    if (mouseIsPressed) {
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    	    text('*', random(400), random(300));

        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {        
    	    text('*', random(400), random(300));
        var jump = 20;
        var eyeSize = 4;

    //spider variables
    var spiderX = 242 + (jump * 1.5);
    var spiderY = 235 + jump;
    var bodyWidth = 24;
    var bodyHeight = 20;
    //spider legs left
    arc(spiderX - bodyWidth/2, spiderY, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX - bodyWidth/2, spiderY + 4, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX - bodyWidth/2, spiderY + 9, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX - bodyWidth/2.5, spiderY + 10, bodyWidth * 0.5, bodyHeight * 0.5, PI - QUARTER_PI, 0 - QUARTER_PI);
    //spider legs right
    arc(spiderX + bodyWidth/2, spiderY, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX + bodyWidth/2, spiderY + 4, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX + bodyWidth/2, spiderY + 9, bodyWidth * 0.75, bodyHeight * 0.75, PI, 0);
    arc(spiderX + bodyWidth/2.5, spiderY + 10, bodyWidth * 0.5, bodyHeight * 0.5, PI + QUARTER_PI, 0 + QUARTER_PI);
    //spider body
    ellipse(spiderX, spiderY, bodyWidth, bodyHeight);
    //spider eyes
    point(spiderX - bodyWidth/4, spiderY);
    point(spiderX + bodyWidth/4, spiderY);
    //spider mouth
    line(spiderX - bodyWidth/6, spiderY + 3, spiderX + bodyWidth/6, spiderY + 3);


When I started looking at examples of string art, I immediately thought of a spider web. I liked that I got to integrate a Halloween theme into this project. Make sure to click the image!

Looking Outwards 3 Liz Maday

One of Benjamin Dillenburger’s Rocailles. Rocaille refers to an architectural style with elaborate ornamentation.

The works that I chose to look at were Rocailles created by the architect Benjamin Dillenburger. These pieces inspire me because of how its complexity and precision alludes to the fact that it was produced through digital fabrication, while still reminding me of a design that could be found in nature. The shape of these structures seem reminiscent of shells, or ocean waves. The curves have a softness about them, but after looking at close ups, you can see the sharp, clean cut edges that form the whole.

I also like how these structures look like architectural designs that could be realized in larger form, although the structure itself doesn’t seem to serve any particular purpose. I see this as the artist’s way of integrating architectural design with expressive art.


Project 03 Liz Maday

liz maday project 3 sketch

//Elizabeth Maday
//Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    var distance = int(dist(width/2, height/2, mouseX, mouseY));
    var vineTipX = 0;
    var vineTipY = 0;
    var x = width/2;
    var y = height/2;
    var r = 0;
    var g = 170;
    var b = 245;
    var eyeSize = 5;

    //make color get darker as mouse moves up
    if (mouseY < y) { 
    	r -= 0; 
    	g -= distance/2; 
    	b -= distance/2; 

    //make color lighter as mouse moves down
    } else if (mouseY > y) {
    	r += distance/2; 
    	g += distance/2; 
    	b += 0; 
    background(r, g, b);

    //make vines move left and right
    if (mouseX > x) {
    	vineTipX += distance;
    if (mouseX < x) {
    	vineTipX -= distance;	

    //make vines move up and down
    if (mouseY > y) {
    	vineTipY += distance;
    if (mouseY < y) {
    	vineTipY -= distance;

    //change eyeSize
    if (mouseY < y) {
    	eyeSize = 4;
    if (mouseY > y) {
    	eyeSize = 10;

    //draw triangles left
    fill(0, 97, 85);
    triangle(0, 50, 0, 85, 200 + vineTipX, 65 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 100, 0, 135, 240 + vineTipX, 115 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 150, 0, 185, 280 + vineTipX, 165 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 200, 0, 235, 320 + vineTipX, 215 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 250, 0, 285, 360 + vineTipX, 265 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 300, 0, 335, 320 + vineTipX, 315 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 350, 0, 385, 280 + vineTipX, 365 + vineTipY);
    triangle(0, 400, 0, 435, 240 + vineTipX, 415 + vineTipY);

    //draw triangles right
    fill(0, 192, 58);
    triangle(550 + vineTipX, 40 + vineTipY, 640, 15, 640, 50);
    triangle(510 + vineTipX, 90 + vineTipY, 640, 65, 640, 100);
    triangle(460 + vineTipX, 140 + vineTipY, 640, 115, 640, 150);
    triangle(410 + vineTipX, 190 + vineTipY, 640, 165, 640, 200);
    triangle(460 + vineTipX, 240 + vineTipY, 640, 215, 640, 250);
    triangle(510 + vineTipX, 290 + vineTipY, 640, 265, 640, 300);
    triangle(550 + vineTipX, 340 + vineTipY, 640, 315, 640, 350);
    triangle(600 + vineTipX, 390 + vineTipY, 640, 365, 640, 400);

    //draw sun around mouse
    fill(255, 188, 0);
    stroke(255, 188, 0);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + 30, mouseY + 30);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX - 30, mouseY - 30);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + 30, mouseY - 30);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX - 30, mouseY + 30);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX + 42.5, mouseY);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX - 42.5, mouseY);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY + 42.5);
    line(mouseX, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY - 42.5);
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40);

    //draw sun face
    line(mouseX - 10, mouseY + 3, mouseX + 10, mouseY + 3);
    ellipse(mouseX - 8, mouseY - 5, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(mouseX + 8, mouseY - 5, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    //draw fish
    var dist2 = (0, 100, mouseX, mouseY);
    triangle(dist2 + 13, 400, dist2 + 25, 385, dist2 + 25, 415); //bottom fish tail
    fill(255, 73, 177);
    ellipse(dist2, 400, 30, 30);  //bottom fish body
    ellipse(dist2 - 5, 400, 5, 5); //bottom fish eye
    ellipse(dist2 + width/2 + 13, 80, 17, 12); //top fish tail
    fill(255, 121, 0);
    ellipse(dist2 + width/2, 80, 30, 30); //top fish body
    ellipse(dist2 - 5 + width/2, 80, 5, 5); //top fish eye


With this project, I liked how I was able to play around with a concept. The sun image represents sunlight entering an underwater scene, and all the other elements react to its position.

Liz Maday looking outwards 2

“Waves” (2016) by Austrian software artist LIA.

The work I chose to examine was “Waves” by Austrian software artist LIA. i was quickly drawn to this work by its peacefulness and calming nature. the sine wave patterns in this work are randomly generated, and don’t repeat, and upon learning this I associated something other than human with its beauty. Humans lack the ability to replicate random patterns, and tend to have flawed conceptions of what is truly “random.” The fact that this consistently random motion could only have been produced by a computer adds an additional level of awe and admiration for the program and artist that produced this installation. It is so enjoyable to just stare at this work and let it mesmerize you, in a way that is only possible through generative code.



Liz Maday Project 2

sketch lizm

//Elizabeth Maday
//Section A

var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 100;
var eyeBrowHeight = 0;
var mouthWidth = 27;
var bodySize = 114; 

var a = 3;
var b = 20;
var c = 17;
var d = 15;
var e = 28;

var r = 203;
var g = 129;
var B = 51;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(255, 173, 184);

    fill(0, 182, 15);
    ellipse(width/2, 480, 900, 250);

    bezier(width/2 + bodySize/4, height/2 + bodySize/1.4, width/2 + bodySize/1.45, height/2 + bodySize/2.1, width/2 + bodySize/1.3, height/2 + bodySize/4.5, width/2 + bodySize/1.3, height/2 - bodySize/6);

    fill(r, g, B);
    ellipse(width / 2, 340, bodySize, bodySize);

    //front feet
    fill(r, g, B);
    line(width / 2, 397, width / 2, 368);
    line(width / 2 - 15, 397, width / 2 - 15, 368);
    line(width / 2 + 15, 397, width / 2 + 15, 368);
    arc(width / 2 - 15, 397, 30, 30, PI, 0, CHORD);
    arc(width / 2 + 15, 397, 30, 30, PI, 0, CHORD);

    fill(r, g, B);
    triangle(width / 2 + (faceWidth * 0.20), height / 2 - (faceHeight * 0.4), width / 2 + (faceWidth * 0.40), height / 2 - (faceWidth * 0.2), width / 2 + (faceWidth * 0.45), height / 2 - (faceHeight * 0.60));
    triangle(width / 2 - (faceWidth * 0.20), height / 2 - (faceHeight * 0.4), width / 2 - (faceWidth * 0.40), height / 2 - (faceWidth * 0.2), width / 2 - (faceWidth * 0.45), height / 2 - (faceHeight * 0.60));

    fill(r, g, B);
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, faceWidth, faceHeight);

    line(width/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2, height/2 - faceHeight/2.6);
    line(width/2 - 8, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 - 8, height/2 - faceHeight/2.45);
    line(width/2 + 8, height/2 - faceHeight/2, width/2 + 8, height/2 - faceHeight/2.45);

    line(width/2 + faceWidth/6, height/2 - eyeSize + eyeBrowHeight, width/2 + faceWidth/3.4, height/2 - eyeSize + eyeBrowHeight);
    line(width/2 - faceWidth/6, height/2 - eyeSize + eyeBrowHeight, width/2 - faceWidth/3.4, height/2 - eyeSize + eyeBrowHeight);

    var eyeLX = width / 2 - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + faceWidth * 0.25;
    fill(255, 255, 255);
    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize, eyeSize);

    ellipse(eyeLX, height / 2, eyeSize / 4, eyeSize / 4);
    ellipse(eyeRX, height / 2, eyeSize / 4, eyeSize / 4);

    triangle((width / 2) - a, (height / 2) + c, width / 2, (height / 2) + b, (width / 2) + a, (height / 2) + c);

    line((width / 2) - faceWidth * 0.6, (height / 2) + d, (width / 2) - 9, (height / 2) + 20);
    line((width / 2) - faceWidth * 0.6, (height / 2) + e, (width / 2) - 9, (height / 2) + 23);
    line((width / 2) + 9, (height / 2) + 20, (width / 2) + faceWidth * 0.6, (height / 2) + d);
    line((width / 2) + 9, (height / 2) + 23, (width / 2) + faceWidth * 0.6, (height / 2) + e);

    arc(width / 2, (height / 2) + b - 13, mouthWidth, mouthWidth, 0, PI);
    arc((width / 2) - mouthWidth, (height / 2) + b - 13, mouthWidth, mouthWidth, 0, PI);    

    //twitching whiskers
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
        d = 10;
        e = 33;
    } else {
        d = 15;
        e = 28;

function mousePressed() {
    faceWidth = random(75, 165);
    faceHeight = random(100, 200);
    eyeSize = random(10, 40);
    mouthWidth = random(18, 34);
    bodySize = random(85, 140);
    eyeBrowHeight = random(-5, 5);

    a = random(1, 5);
    b = random(18, 23);
    c = random(13, 19);
    d = random(10, 15);

    r = random(18, 215);
    g = random(110, 160);
    B = random(35, 265);

This project was really fun for me to work on because I had to figure out how to do a lot of new commands. Being successful after working on it for a long time was really satisfying. It was also interesting for me to start using more difficult things to work with such as ‘bezier’.



//Self Portrait
//Elizabeth Maday

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    text("p5.js vers 0.7.1 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    background(252, 226, 97); 

    text("This is me.", 28, 238);

    var c = color(66, 148, 34); 
    fill(66, 148, 34);
    ellipse(300, 600, 200, 600);

    //ear left
    var c = color(206, 141, 9);
    fill(206, 141, 9);
    ellipse(192, 270, 30, 40);

    //ear right
    var c = color(206, 141, 9);
    fill(206, 141, 9);
    ellipse(407, 270, 30, 40);

    fill(206, 141, 92); //this is the skin color
    ellipse(300, 300, 220, 275);

    arc(300, 325, 20, 20, 0, PI);

    //right eye
    var c = color(0, 0, 0); 
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    ellipse(275, 245, 10, 10);

    //left eye
    ellipse(325, 245, 10, 10);

    var c = color(255, 0, 0); 
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    arc(300, 162, 40, 50, PI, TWO_PI);

    var c = color(255, 0, 0); 
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    ellipse(242, 161, 76, 10);

    var c = color(0, 65, 251); 
    fill(0, 65, 251);
    ellipse(415, 275, 10, 10);

    line(395, 495, 470, 550);
    line(470, 550, 550, 500);
    line(208, 460, 125, 275);

    line(287, 372, 313 ,372);

    var c = color(0, 0, 0); 
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    ellipse(550, 500, 10, 10);

    var c = color(0, 0, 0); 
    fill(0, 0, 0);
    ellipse(125, 275, 10, 10);

    var c = color(106, 66, 27); 
    fill(106, 66, 27);
    triangle(280, 164, 318, 164, 298, 194);

    var c = color(106, 66, 27); 
    fill(106, 66, 27);
    triangle(240, 184, 280, 164, 267, 213);

    var c = color(106, 66, 27); 
    fill(106, 66, 27);
    triangle(318, 164, 360, 184, 333, 213);

    var c = color(0, 65, 251); 
    fill(0, 65, 251);
    rect(210, 475, 180, 16);

In this project, I really enjoyed the creativity that was involved, as well as the challenge of figuring out how to produce what you want to see. This was one of my first times using code, and it really gave me an insight into the process. I am excited for the time when I will know how to realize more complicated ideas.

Liz Maday-Looking Outwards-1

Alumni Concert Hall transformed into a dream-like environment through lighting and inflatable structures.

A project that has really intrigued and inspired me was CMU’s “Snoozefest”, something that I was able to experience in person. Snoozefest was an all night concert meant to be experienced while asleep, a project spearheaded by Professor Golan Levin (of Carnegie Mellon) and created in collaboration with CMU’s Exploded Ensemble and Soft Sculpture and Inflatables course. It took place in Alumni Concert Hall, which was converted into a strange dreamlike environment, complete with a huge inflatable structure that filled the entire room in addition to eerie but mesmerizing lighting. The music was primarily electronic and of the more experimental variety, and it was performed throughout the entire night by students in CMU’s Exploded Ensemble (one student’s set consisted of chord progressions produced through machine learning).

Prof. Jesse Stiles mentioned in this article that he was partially inspired by his time studying classical music in India, where he would attend peaceful overnight concerts. I hope that Snoozefest will happen again, perhaps in a new or altered environment. I felt that this event resulted in an amazing experience like I had never had before, one where everyone was experimenting with new ideas of what music and performance could be, something that I am always excited by and always looking to find more of.