Siwei Xie – Looking Outwards 07

Ben Fry, Sept. 2009, Watching the evolution of the “Origin of Species”

Ben Fry created a dynamic presentation of Darwin’s multiple editions of “On the Origin of Species.” In the changes are refinements and shifts in ideas, including increasing the weight of a statement, adding details, or even a change in the idea itself. The artist uses different colors to depicts 6 different editions, and show the changes in animations. 

I admire how accessible and clear the presentation is. Darwin scholars are of course familiar with the evolution of “On the Origin of Species.” Yet the animations allow more audiences to view the changes directly, both on a macro-level as it animates, or word-by-word as they examine pieces of the text more closely. The artist might use drawing and coding software such as p5.js to draw the dots, then animate the map.

Creator’s artistic sensibility manifests by harmonize the shapes and colors of the animation. The coordinates on the layouts are simple and clear, creating soothing changes in color when the animation progresses.

Original source here.

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