– [OLD FALL 2019] 15-104 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Professor Roger B. Dannenberg • Fall 2019 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Sat, 07 Dec 2019 04:21:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sydney Salamy: Final Project Sat, 07 Dec 2019 04:21:00 +0000

I decided to take the global warming route that was mentioned for my project. I looked at the 2050 flood map that was offered and started researching some of the areas there. Basically, I wanted to show the amazing places that may be completely lost if something isn’t done to slow/stop the temperature rise.

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Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards 12-Project Priors and Precursors Thu, 14 Nov 2019 04:57:42 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards 12-Project Priors and Precursors"]]>

The projects I chose were Basecamp, 2014, by Leander Herzog and BZ_zoom_test_3, 2019,  by Jonathan McCabe. The first is a number of pyramids that seem to have different layers of color dripping down from their peaks, and will retreat back into them and come back out corresponding with the changing background color. The second is a video of a picture with a lot of different shapes, patterns, and colors that is zoomed in on for minutes straight. It seems like the picture is infinite.


Both use very bright and vibrant colors, with the pallets continuously changing as time goes on.


Basecamp uses shapes with sharp edges, while Zoom consists primarily of curves and malformed circles.

The first has very clear dividing lines between the different colors, whereas the second has gradients

The first is interactive while the pother is just a video for purely watching. 

I admire their color use. The projects are just so pretty. I derive a lot of my enjoyment from them purely on their aesthetic appeals. I also like how they are essentially never ending. I know that the Zoom video technically ends, but it’s almost under the guise that it wont. This continuous change allows for the audience to be given something new, so they never really get bored. They will have to keep watching since there is always some new part of the piece to see.

For Basecamp, an overlooked opportunity could be to experiment more with color. For the most part, it seems the colors are the same, just switched around a little. Maybe they could correspond more with the background. If the background was one color, the shades on the pyramids could be its complementary, or they could shades of a color that contrast well with it. Anything to spice things up a bit. For the Zoom video, I think the picture is very pretty, be the video is only zooming in on a single point that the audience doesn’t get to choose, causing the surrounding image area to be ignored. Maybe the video could be turned into those ones where the audience can use their mouse to change what they’re looking at.

Basecamp, 2014- Leander Herzog
BZ_zoom_test_3, 2019- Jonathan McCabe

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Project 12: Final Project Proposal Thu, 14 Nov 2019 04:57:03 +0000 Continue reading "Project 12: Final Project Proposal"]]>

To get inspiration, I looked at the flood map for 2015, and was immediately shown areas of China. I saw Shanghai, and decided to look up landmarks in that area. A great one was the Nanjing Road, a very colorfully lit street. After looking at the Patatap video by Jono Brandel, I decided to do a project changing on a beat. It would start out with a hard coded version of the landmark, then on each beat it would change, showing the water level rising and landmark degrading and losing its beauty.  The lights will all be grey/off, the ground not visible. I may or may not use multiple landmarks. Most likely I will. I want to have these landmarks be from around the world, basically showing how this affects many people and many different types of countries/states/areas. Other places threatened by flooding are Florida, parts of Vietnam, parts of Thailand, parts of Bangladesh, parts of Iraq, etc…

  1. I don’t really know anyone in the class so I probably wont be collaborating.
Rough Draft of Project
Nanjing Road, China
Miami Beach, Florida
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Sydney Salamy: Project-11-Landscape Sat, 09 Nov 2019 04:55:42 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Project-11-Landscape"]]>

I had started out wanting to do a sunset, with the view of a car driving by it. I didn’t want to create a jagged moving landscape, so I decided to do a desert instead. I was first going to make cactuses, but then I made the ground black and realized I wanted a more futuristic look. So I decided my image would have the sunset, black ground, and then geometric shapes with their shadows. Because I had used the bezier() function in the past, I decided to use that for the sunset, having the anchor parts react with the sun, almost like the sky was melting. 

During the project I changed my objects from pyramids to stars to, finally, sailboats. I added to the black water horizon, putting color lines under the sun to look like a water reflection, and adding vertical lines to the water with an invisible ball pushing them to look like the boats were pushing the current.

My rough sketch


var quarW = 120;//width divided by 4
var quarW2 = 360;//qaurW times 3
var bezH = 40;//height of bezier anchors
var bezW = 48;//width of ground bezier anchors
var bezWS = 48;//width of ground bezier side points
var sunX = 240;//x value placement of sun in sky
var sunH = 100;//height of sun in sky
var currX = 480;//x placement of horizontal circle
var bzHorLn1 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn2 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn3 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn4 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn5 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn6 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn7 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var bzHorLn8 = 360;//horizon line of the bezier anchors
var horLn = 360;//horizon line of the bezier non anchors

var boats = [];

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480); 
    frameRate(10);//faster framerate
    // create an initial collection of boats
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
        var rx = random(width);
        boats[i] = makeBoat(rx);

function draw() {
    background(38,59,103);//dark blue
    fill(244,182,103);//brighter orange
    bezier(0,320, quarW,bezH * 8, quarW2,bezH * 8, 480,320);//8
    fill(213,131,87);//bright orange
    bezier(0,280, quarW,bezH * 7, quarW2,bezH * 7, 480,280);//7
    bezier(0,240, quarW,bezH * 6, quarW2,bezH * 6, 480,240);//6
    fill(207,63,57);////bright orange
    bezier(0,200, quarW,bezH * 5, quarW2,bezH * 5, 480,200);//5
    fill(167,62,72);//bright pink
    bezier(0,160, quarW,bezH * 4, quarW2,bezH * 4, 480,160);//4
    bezier(0,120, quarW,bezH * 3, quarW2,bezH * 3, 480,120);//3
    bezier(0,80, quarW,bezH * 2, quarW2,bezH * 2, 480,80);//2
    bezier(0,40, quarW,bezH, quarW2,bezH, 480,40);//1
    ellipse(sunX, sunH, 200,200);
    sunH += 5;//sun speed
    if(sunH > height + 100) {//resets sun placement if it moves past canvas
        sunH = -100;
    if(dist(sunX,sunH, quarW,quarW) < 210){//pushes down sunset blocks
        bezH += 3;
    if(dist(sunX,sunH, horLn,horLn) < 170){//pushes down susnet lines
        bzHorLn1 += .05;
        bzHorLn2 += .1;
        bzHorLn3 += .15;
        bzHorLn4 += .2;
        bzHorLn5 += .25;
        bzHorLn6 += .3;
        bzHorLn7 += .35;
        bzHorLn8 += .4;
    rect(0,360, 480,130);
    //vertical lines on black area
    bezier(bezWS,360, bezW,400, bezW,440, bezWS,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 2,360, bezW * 2,400, bezW * 2,440, bezWS * 2,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 3,360, bezW * 3,400, bezW * 3,440, bezWS * 3,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 4,360, bezW * 4,400, bezW * 4,440, bezWS * 4,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 5,360, bezW * 5,400, bezW * 5,440, bezWS * 5,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 6,360, bezW * 6,400, bezW * 6,440, bezWS * 6,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 7,360, bezW * 7,400, bezW * 7,440, bezWS * 7,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 8,360, bezW * 8,400, bezW * 8,440, bezWS * 8,480);
    bezier(bezWS * 9,360, bezW * 9,400, bezW * 9,440, bezWS * 9,480);
    //horizontal sunset lines
    stroke(244,182,103);//brighter orange
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn1, 290,bzHorLn1, 340,horLn);
    stroke(213,131,87);//bright orange
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn2, 290,bzHorLn2, 340,horLn);
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn3, 290,bzHorLn3, 340,horLn);
    stroke(207,63,57);////bright orange
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn4, 290,bzHorLn4, 340,horLn);
    stroke(167,62,72);//bright pink
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn5, 290,bzHorLn5, 340,horLn);
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn6, 290,bzHorLn6, 340,horLn);
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn7, 290,bzHorLn7, 340,horLn);
    bezier(140,horLn, 190,bzHorLn8, 290,bzHorLn8, 340,horLn);
    //water current (pushed by invisible ball)
    ellipse(currX,420, 20,20);//current ball
    currX -= 5;//speed of invisible ball
    if(currX < width - 600) {//resets invisible ball if it moves off canvas
        currX = 590;
    if(dist(currX,currX, bezW,bezW) < 210){//moves vertical lines if ball nears
        bezW -= .5;//pushes them forward
    else {
        bezW += .3;//pushes them back after ball leaves


function updateAndDisplayBoats(){
    // Update the boats positions, and display them.
    for (var i = 0; i < boats.length; i++){

function removeBoatsThatHaveSlippedOutOfView(){
    //If a boat has dropped off the left edge,
    //remove it from the array.  
    //Copy boats I want to keep into a new array.
    var boatsToKeep = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < boats.length; i++){
        if (boats[i].x + boats[i].breadth > 0) {
    boats = boatsToKeep; // remember the surviving boats

function addNewBoatsWithSomeRandomProbability() {
    // With a very tiny probability, add a new boats to the end.
    var newBoatLikelihood = 0.009; 
    if (random(0,1) < newBoatLikelihood) {

function boatMove() {//method to update position of boat every frame
    this.x += this.speed - 3;
function boatDisplay() {//draw the boat and some windows
    var floorHeight = 10;
    var bHeight = this.hPoles * floorHeight; 
    fill(this.R, this.G, this.B);//star colors
    translate(this.x, height - 135);
    bezier(30,67, 50,70, 80,74, 90,73);//top
    line(30,67, 37,83);//front side
    bezier(85,83, 91,80, 90,75, 90,73);//back side
    line(37,83, 85,83);//bottom
    line(60,5 * -bHeight / 60, 60,71);//pole
    triangle(40 / this.sailW,60, 60,5 * -bHeight / 60, 60,60);//flap large
    triangle(60,58, 60,5 * -bHeight / 60, 75 * this.sailW,58);//flap small

function makeBoat(birthLocationX) {
    var bldg = {x: birthLocationX,
                breadth: 85,
                speed: -1.0,
                sailW: random(1,1.3),
                R: random(142),
                G: random(255),
                B: random(130),
                hPoles: round(random(-5,40)),
                move: boatMove,
                display: boatDisplay}
    return bldg;

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Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-11 Sat, 09 Nov 2019 02:53:39 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-11"]]>

USER_IS_PRESENT is a 2017 installation by Oblong designer and developer Kate Hollenbach. The installation is three screens with three different videos. The videos show the activities of three different people on their mobiles devices by blending the front and back cameras and screen capture from them using a custom technique. She had further developed screen recording software used in a previous work called phonelovesyoutoo: matrix to capture the screens of the phone in use while now also capturing the shots from the two cameras. The parameters were that when the phone was being used, it would record the three different shots. After capturing the footage, the respective shots from each person would be layered on top of one another, creating what Hollenbach described as a “space that is between physical and virtual realities: it blends elements of user, interface, and environment.” The portraits being next to each other allows comparison in aspects like phone quality and chance juxtapositions and/or similarities.

  • I really like the concept of blending the virtual with the physical. I’ve covered people who have done similar in past posts, and it was always amazing to see the different ways they would try to accomplish the same things. I like this blending since it not only offers an interesting visual with all the layers kind of interacting with one another, but also sort of bring two worlds together. This is something that decades ago couldn’t be done, but now is being accomplished pretty easily. It’s an interaction between a world humans didn’t create and one they did.


  • Kate Hollenbach earned an MFA from UCLA Design Media Arts and a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering from MIT. She is currently a teacher of interactive media design and programming at DePaul University School of Design in the College of Computing and Digital Media. In the past however, she was the Director of Design and Computation at Oblong Industries, overseeing the design of Mazzanine, one of the company’s most well-known products. To sum up her work, she is an artist, programmer, and educator, developing new tech and interactive systems relating to gesture, body, and physical space, and has spent years as an interface designer and product developer.
Video demonstrating USER_IS_PRESENT
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Sydney Salamy: Project-10-Sonic-Sketch Sun, 03 Nov 2019 03:03:32 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Project-10-Sonic-Sketch"]]>

Originally, I was going to do Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation from Dragon Ball Z, since that show involves a lot of yelling and loud sounds. However, I decided to do an image from the movie My Neighbor Totoro. The image I chose was the cover, with the character Satsuki standing at a bus stop in the rain next to Totoro. I was originally going to color their outlines, but decided to base the color scheme off the Studio Ghibli’s logo and use their blue color with white outlines. I was pretty accurate with recreating the cover, although mine was more simplistic since there are only two colors and the background is left out. The only other changes I made were to the sign, where instead of the actual sign from the cover I put a soot sprite, a little acorn sprout, and the mini white Totoro, all from the movie, and on the ground near the sign, where I added little sprouts. I used A LOT of the bezier() element to recreate the image. 

My Sounds

  • The rain is a constant sound that isn’t variable in any way
  • If the user presses the center of the umbrella, the sound of rain hitting an umbrella appears.
  • If the user presses Totoro’s stomach, the sound of him growling/rumbling appears 
  • If the user presses Totoro’s leaf, the sound of rain hitting a leaf appears 
These are the areas where the user should press in order to trigger the sounds
The original image I used as a reference for my code


var umbPnt1X = 123;//front middle umbrella point X
var umbPnt1Y = 421;//front middle umbrella point Y
var umbPnt2X = 167;//X point right of umbPnt1
var umbPnt2Y = 422;//Y point right of umbPnt1
var umbPnt3X = 190;//X point right of umbPnt2
var umbPnt3Y = 429;//Y point right of umbPnt2
var umbPnt4X = 169;//X point left of umbPnt3
var umbPnt4Y = 437;//Y point left of umbPnt3
var umbPnt5X = 66;//X point left of umbPnt4
var umbPnt5Y = 435;//Y point left of umbPnt4
var umbPnt6X = 36;//X point left of umbPnt5
var umbPnt6Y = 431;//Y point left of umbPnt5
var umbPnt7X = 65;//X point right of umbPnt6
var umbPnt7Y = 425;//Y point right of umbPnt6

var rain;//will hold rain sound
var umbrellaRain;//will hold rain on umbrella sound
var growl;//will hold growl sound

function preload() {
    //sorry that this goes over the 80 limit. I couldn't separate the links 
    //because there would be a big pink bar meaning there were issues
    rain = loadSound('');//loads sound of rain
    umbrellaRain = loadSound('');//loads rain on umbrella sound
    leafRain = loadSound('');//loads sound of rain on leaves
    growl = loadSound('');//loads sound of growl

function setup() {
    createCanvas(430, 600);
    useSound();//calls sound

function soundSetup() { // setup for audio generation
    rain.setVolume(0.5);//sets rain volume 
    umbrellaRain.setVolume(0.4);//sets umbrella rain volume
    growl.setVolume(0.3);//sets growl volume
    rain.loop();//loops rain audio so it keeps replaying

function draw() {

    //---rain lines
    var r = 5;
    var R = 8;
    var n = 10;
    line(r * 5, r * 20, r * 5,r * 30);
    line(r * 15, r * 25, r * 15,r * 35);
    line(r * 20, r * 35, r * 20,r * 45);
    line(r * 25, r * 55, r * 25,r * 65);
    line(r * 30, r * 10, r * 30,r * 20);
    line(r * 45, r * 25, r * 45,r * 35);
    line(r * 45, r * 46, r * 45,r * 58);
    line(r * 50, r * 15, r * 50,r * 25);
    line(r * 55, r * 5, r * 55,r * 15);
    line(r * 60, r * 10, r * 60,r * 20);
    line(r * 60, r * 20, r * 60,r * 30);
    line(r * 65, r * 28, r * 65,r * 41);

    line(R * 5, R * 20, R * 5,R * 30);
    line(R * 15, R * 15, R * 15,R * 23);
    line(R * 20, R * 35, R * 20,R * 45);
    line(R * 30, R * 10, R * 30,R * 20);
    line(R * 45, R * 25, R * 45,R * 35);
    line(R * 50, R * 15, R * 50,R * 25);
    line(R * 55, R * 5, R * 55,R * 15);
    line(R * 60, R * 10, R * 60,R * 20);
    line(R * 60, R * 20, R * 60,R * 30);
    line(R * 65, R * 45, R * 65,R * 55);

    line(n * 1, n * 40, n * 1, n * 50);
    line(n * 3, n * 37, n * 3, n * 42);
    line(n * 3, n * 50, n * 3, n * 60);
    line(n * 2, n * 22, n * 2, n * 30);
    line(n * 7, r * 5, n * 7, r * 15);
    line(n * 7, n * 10, n * 7, n * 20);
    line(n * 9, n * 50, n * 9, n * 55);
    line(n * 10, n * 30, n * 10, n * 37);
    line(n * 18, n * 15, n * 18, n * 22);
    line(n * 17, n * .5, n * 17, n * 5);
    line(n * 37, n * 1, n * 37, n * 7);
    ellipse(52,324, 68,68);//sign
    line(20,314, 84,314);//top line
    line(20,334, 84,334);//bottom line
    line(48,358.5, 48,409.5);//left side of pole top
    line(56,358.5, 56,404);//right side of pole top
    line(48,430, 48,574);//left side of pole bottom
    line(56,431.5, 56,574);//right side of pole bottom
    bezier(48,574, 51,575, 53,575, 56,574);//bottom of pole
    //---soot sprite
    var sprtSize = 8;//sprite size
    var sprtCrdX = 30;//sprite X coordinate 
    var sprtCrdY = 324;//sprite Y coordinate
    ellipse(sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY, sprtSize,sprtSize);//body
    line(sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY, sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY);//horizontal
    line(sprtCrdX - 1,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX + 1,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//1L
    line(sprtCrdX + 1,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX - 1,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//1R
    line(sprtCrdX - 2,sprtCrdY - 5, sprtCrdX + 2,sprtCrdY + 5);//2L
    line(sprtCrdX + 2,sprtCrdY - 5, sprtCrdX - 2,sprtCrdY + 5);//2R
    line(sprtCrdX - 3,sprtCrdY - 4.5, sprtCrdX + 3,sprtCrdY + 4.5);//3L
    line(sprtCrdX + 3,sprtCrdY - 4.5, sprtCrdX - 3,sprtCrdY + 4.5);//3R
    line(sprtCrdX - 4,sprtCrdY - 4, sprtCrdX + 4,sprtCrdY + 4);//4L
    line(sprtCrdX + 4,sprtCrdY - 4, sprtCrdX - 4,sprtCrdY + 4);//4R
    line(sprtCrdX - 5,sprtCrdY - 2, sprtCrdX + 5,sprtCrdY + 2);//5L
    line(sprtCrdX + 5,sprtCrdY - 2, sprtCrdX - 5,sprtCrdY + 2);//5R
    line(sprtCrdX - 4.5,sprtCrdY - 3, sprtCrdX + 4.5,sprtCrdY + 3);//6L
    line(sprtCrdX + 4.5,sprtCrdY - 3, sprtCrdX - 4.5,sprtCrdY + 3);//6R
    line(sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY - 1, sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY + 1);//7L
    line(sprtCrdX + 5.5,sprtCrdY - 1, sprtCrdX - 5.5,sprtCrdY + 1);//7R
    line(sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY - 5.5, sprtCrdX,sprtCrdY + 5.5);//vertical
    ellipse(sprtCrdX - 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 2.4,sprtSize / 2.4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX + 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 2.4,sprtSize / 2.4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX - 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 4,sprtSize / 4);
    ellipse(sprtCrdX + 2.1,sprtCrdY, sprtSize / 4,sprtSize / 4);

    //---white mini totoro
    ellipse(74,324, 10,12);//body
    ellipse(74,326, 11,10);//bottom
    bezier(69.5,322, 70.5,313.5, 71,313.5, 72,320);//left ear
    bezier(78.5,322, 77,313.5, 76.5,313.5, 75.5,320);//right ear
    ellipse(72,322, 3.5,3.5);//left 
    ellipse(76,322, 3.5,3.5);//right
    ellipse(72,322, 1.2,1.2);//left
    ellipse(76,322, 1.2,1.2);//right

    var stemX = 52//stem X of sign plant
    var stemY = 320;//stem Y of sign plant
    var leafW = 7;//leaf width of sign plant
    var leafH = 2.5;//leaf height of sign plant
    //~~~on sign
    line(stemX,stemY + 8, stemX,stemY);//stem
    ellipse(stemX + 4,stemY, leafW,leafH);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX - 4,stemY, leafW,leafH);//left leaf
    //~~~on ground 
    line(stemX - 4,576, stemX - 4,573);//stem (left of pole)
    ellipse(stemX - 6,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX - 2,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 11,575, stemX + 11,567);//stem (right of pole big)
    ellipse(stemX + 14.5,stemY + 247, leafW - 1,leafH);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 7.5,stemY + 247, leafW - 1,leafH);//left leaf  
    line(stemX + 14,576, stemX + 14,573);//stem (right of pole small 1)
    ellipse(stemX + 16,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 12,stemY + 252, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 16.5,581, stemX + 16.5,579);//stem (right of pole small 2)
    ellipse(stemX + 18.5,stemY + 258, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 14.5,stemY + 258, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 24,577, stemX + 24,574);//stem (right of pole small 3)
    ellipse(stemX + 26,stemY + 254, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 22,stemY + 254, leafW - 3,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 29,578, stemX + 29,577.5);//stem (right of pole small 4)
    ellipse(stemX + 30.5,stemY + 256.3, leafW - 4,leafH - .5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 27.5,stemY + 256.3, leafW - 4,leafH - .5);//left leaf
    line(stemX + 37.5,580, stemX + 37.5,579.5);//stem (right of pole small 5)
    ellipse(stemX + 38.7,stemY + 258.5, leafW - 5,leafH - 1.5);//right leaf
    ellipse(stemX + 36.2,stemY + 258.5, leafW - 5,leafH - 1.5);//left leaf

    ellipse((width / 2) + 37, (height / 2) + 6, 23,22);//left eyeball
    ellipse((width / 2) + 120, (height / 2) + 6, 23,22);//right eyeball
    ellipse((width / 2) + 37, (height / 2) + 6, 6,6);//left pupil
    ellipse((width / 2) + 120, (height / 2) + 6, 6,6);//right pupil
    ellipse((width / 2) + 39, (height / 2) + 6, 1,2);//left eye shine
    ellipse((width / 2) + 122, (height / 2) + 5.5, 1,1);//right eye shine
    bezier(277,308, 283,309, 292,310, 294,312);//left bottom line
    bezier(311,308, 303,309, 299,310, 294,312);//right bottom line
    bezier(277,308, 289,302, 300,302, 311,308);//top of triangle
    bezier(277,308, 289,298, 300,298, 311,308);//top arc 
    ellipse(286,309, 4,4);//left
    ellipse(301,309, 4,4);//right
    line(332,321, 395,318);//top
    line(339,326, 392,326);//middle
    line(338,331, 399,338);//bottom
    line(252,321, 186,319);//top
    line(243,327, 187,330);//middle
    line(250,332, 192,344);//bottom
    bezier(252,214, 241,245, 243,256, 242,264);//left side top
    bezier(252,214, 258,231, 266,242, 267,257);//right side top
    bezier(242,264, 243,265, 245,266, 248,266);//left side bottom
    bezier(267,257, 266,259, 265,261, 262,264);//right side bottom
    bezier(248,266, 249,269, 249,273, 249,276);//stem left
    bezier(262,264, 261,266, 262,270, 264,271);//stem right
    bezier(338,214, 330,229, 326,248, 325,258);//left side top
    bezier(338,214, 341,227, 348,254, 345,264);//right side top
    bezier(325,258, 326,260, 328,261, 329,262);//left side bottom
    bezier(345,264, 344,265, 343,265, 342,265);//right side bottom
    bezier(329,262, 329,263, 329,264, 328,267);//stem left
    bezier(342,265, 342,268, 340,275, 342,278);//stem right
    bezier(249,276, 223,290, 215,325, 207,353);//left side
    bezier(264,271, 266,271, 268,271, 271,270);//left bit next to ear
    bezier(342,278, 368,292, 368,325, 377,344);//right side
    bezier(295,265, 300,261, 298,245, 296,240);//right side
    bezier(296,240, 297,238, 298,238, 299,238);//top
    bezier(299,238, 301,246, 302,259, 300,267);//left side
    bezier(273,272, 278,285, 289,284, 295,280);//left front lump
    bezier(295,280, 302,273, 310,275, 313,278);//middle front lump
    bezier(313,278, 319,281, 326,280, 328,274);//right front lump
    bezier(328,274, 328,270, 328,264, 326,262);//right of right lump
    bezier(326,262, 322,261, 313,263, 308,264);//right front lump top
    bezier(308,264, 306,264, 303,264, 301,264);//small bit right if stem
    bezier(296,263, 286,259, 277,258, 270,266);//back lump
    bezier(265,271, 264,262, 270,267, 273,272);//leftest lump
    line(267,266, 281,265.5);//line detail

    bezier(361,372, 327,332, 257,332, 227,372);//top curve
    bezier(227,372, 210,395, 200,434, 198,464);//left top
    bezier(361,372, 380,395, 385,434, 387,465);//right top
    bezier(361,562, 342,589, 250,590, 226,562);//bottom
    bezier(387,465, 391,515, 376,543, 361,562);//right bottom
    bezier(198,464, 194,501, 206,541, 226,562);//left bottom
    //~~~markings (from right to left and top to bottom)
    bezier(231,382, 238,368, 241,367, 247,378);//top 1
    bezier(231,382, 236,377, 241,374, 247,378);//bottom 1
    bezier(259,374, 266,362, 269,362, 278,372);//top 2
    bezier(259,374, 265,370, 270,370, 278,372);//bottom 2
    bezier(295,372, 302,360, 304,360, 315,371);//top 3
    bezier(295,372, 300,368, 309,368, 315,371);//bottom 3
    bezier(331,374, 337,361, 340,366, 349,377);//top 4
    bezier(331,374, 336,370, 343,372, 349,377);//bottom 4
    bezier(211,423, 215,409, 219,408, 221,418);//top 5
    bezier(211,423, 214,419, 216,416, 221,418);//bottom 5
    bezier(240,416, 247,400, 250,398, 257,413);//top 6
    bezier(240,416, 245,410, 252,409, 257,413);//bottom 6
    bezier(278,410, 286,394, 291,394, 297,410);//top 7
    bezier(278,410, 285,404, 290,405, 297,410);//bottom 7
    bezier(321,410, 328,395, 329,397, 341,413);//top 8
    bezier(321,410, 328,405, 334,408, 341,413);//bottom 8
    bezier(358,415, 362,403, 365,403, 372,418);//top 9
    bezier(358,415, 362,410, 366,410, 372,418);//bottom 9
    bezier(207,353, 193,373, 188,401, 185,417.5);//left top outer
    bezier(184,428, 179,452, 179,493, 192,503);//left bottom outer
    bezier(377,344, 406,390, 407,440, 410,455);//top right outer
    bezier(410,455, 410,469, 406,498, 394,509);//bottom right outer
    bezier(206,396, 194,425, 190,473, 192,503);//left inner
    bezier(390,403, 396,445, 396,479, 394,509);//right inner
    bezier(192,503, 192,532, 206,566, 226,576.5);//left outer
    bezier(243,580, 249,582, 261,582, 268,581);//left bottom
    bezier(359,580, 352,581, 338,582, 326,580);//right bottom
    bezier(394,509, 394,537, 390,561, 375,576);//right outer
    //~~~on hands
    bezier(186,495, 183,505, 185,506, 189,500);//left of left
    bezier(190,501, 181,517, 183,517, 192,506);//right of left
    bezier(402,496, 409,508, 408,509, 400,500);//right of right
    bezier(399,502, 406,512, 405,514, 397,505);//middle of right
    bezier(396,507, 398,513, 398,515, 394,510);//bottom of right
    //~~~on feet
    bezier(229,576.5, 207,578, 210,580, 221,580);//leftest claw of left
    bezier(220,581, 227,576, 234,576, 237,579);//top of middle of left
    bezier(220,581, 226,580, 232,579, 237,579);//top of middle of left
    bezier(243,580, 239,578, 237,579, 235,581);//top of rightest of left
    bezier(243,580, 240,581, 237,582, 235,581);//bottom of rightest
    bezier(373,576, 378,576, 383,577, 387,581);//top of rightest of right
    bezier(373,576, 371,580, 382,579, 387,581);//bottom of rightest of right
    bezier(365,579, 369,576, 374,578, 381,583);//top of middle of right
    bezier(365,579, 370,580, 374,581, 381,583);//bottom of middle of right
    bezier(359,580, 362,577, 365,579, 370,582.5);//top of leftest of right
    bezier(359,580, 362,581, 365,582, 370,582.5);//bottom of leftest of right
    bezier(110.5,450, 116,456, 127,458, 134,450);//bottom
    bezier(134,450, 134,445, 136,440, 137,439);//right cheek
    line(109,447.5, 109.5,448.5);//left little cheek
    bezier(107,447, 101,441, 105,436, 108,442);//left
    line(107,447, 109,447.5);//left lobe
    line(105,441, 108,444);//left line
    bezier(134.5,447, 137,447, 140,443, 137,439);//right
    bezier(135,445, 137,443, 137,441, 136,440);//right line
    line(118,455., 118,457);//left side
    line(125.5,455.5, 125.5,458);//right side
    ellipse(113,444, 2,1);//left
    ellipse(132,444, 2,1);//right
    bezier(121,452, 122,450, 124,450, 125,452);//mouth
    line(122.6,453, 123.4,453);//bottom lip
    point(121, 443);//left
    point(123, 443);//right
    bezier(112,434, 114,432, 115,432, 117,434);//left
    bezier(127,434, 129,432, 130,432, 132,434);//right
    bezier(112,439, 112,435, 116,435, 117,438);//left top
    line(129,442, 130.5,442);//left bottom
    bezier(127,438, 129,435, 131,435, 132.5,439);//right top
    line(114,442, 115.5,442);//right bottom
    ellipse(114.5,439, 2,3);//left
    ellipse(129.5,439, 2,3);//right
    bezier(137,439, 137,434, 137,426, 132,423);//right inner
    bezier(108,442, 108,438, 107, 434, 109.5,432);//left inner
    bezier(110.5,431.5, 113,430, 118,429, 121,429);//bang bottom
    bezier(121,429, 123,428, 124,426, 125,424);//bang right
    bezier(123.5,429, 126,426, 126,425, 125,424);//big hair piece left
    bezier(123.5,429, 128,428, 130,423, 129,421);//big hair piece right
    bezier(129,421, 130.5,426, 131,426, 132,423);//small hair piece
    bezier(104,440, 99,431, 102,421, 106,418);//outer left
    bezier(138,440, 144,438, 143,421, 136,417);//outer right
    //~~~pony tails
    bezier(85,440, 87,436, 89,431, 97,429);//left top of left
    bezier(85,440, 87,438, 88,437, 89,435);//left bit of left
    bezier(87.5,438, 85,440, 86,445, 90,450);//left bottom of left
    bezier(90,450, 97,446, 100,442, 100,441);//right bottom of left
    bezier(100,441, 101,437, 100,433, 99.5,434);//right top of left
    bezier(146,429, 154,431, 157,438, 157,442);//right top of right
    bezier(152,450, 154,448, 155,447, 155,447);//right bottom of right
    bezier(152,450, 151,449, 149,448, 149,448);//left bottom of right bottom
    bezier(142,442, 142,442, 143,443, 145,445);//left bottom of right top
    line(141.5,436, 142,442);//left top of right 
    //~~~hair tie balls
    ellipse(144.5,428, 4,4);//right front
    ellipse(143.5,426, 4,4);//right back
    ellipse(99,428, 4,4);//left front
    ellipse(100,424, 4,4);//left back
    ellipse(99,432, 4,4);//left back bottom
    bezier(132.5,485, 132,483, 132,483, 132,481);//right side bottom
    bezier(132,481, 134.5,477, 133,473, 133.5,466.5);//right side top
    bezier(113.5,458, 114,459, 113,463, 115.5,467);//collar left outer
    bezier(117,456, 117,457, 119,460, 122.5,461);//collar left inner
    bezier(117,456, 116,456, 115,458, 113.5,458);//collar left back
    bezier(115.5,467, 119,465, 121,461, 122.5,461);//collar left middle
    bezier(129,466, 130,464, 131,461, 130,458);//collar right outer
    bezier(126,456, 127,457, 124,460, 122.5,461);//collar right inner
    bezier(126,456, 128,455, 129,458, 130,458);//collar right back
    bezier(129,466, 127,466, 124,463, 122.5,461);//collar right middle
    ellipse(122,465, 2,2);//button
    bezier(107,458, 109,458, 111,459, 113.5,458);//left top of shoulder
    bezier(107,458, 102,461, 103,469, 100,474);//left of left sleeve
    bezier(105,477, 99,472, 98,474, 104,478);//opening of left
    bezier(130,458, 133,459, 135, 458, 136,459);//right top of shoulder
    bezier(136,459, 140,460, 141,467, 141,468);//right of right sleeve
    bezier(133.5,477, 136,476, 137,475, 140,472);//opening of right
    line(133.5,470, 135,467.5);//crease
    bezier(95.5,513, 98.7,513, 102,492, 111,488);//left side
    bezier(95.5,513, 96,519, 105,515, 114,521);//bottom right
    bezier(114,521, 127,523, 140,520, 147,515);//bottom left
    bezier(147,515, 141,509, 142,494, 133,489);//right side
    bezier(133,489, 133,487, 133,486, 133,485);//right band
    bezier(116,485, 120,486.2, 127,486.4, 133,485);//top
    line(119,489.5, 125,489.5);//bottom band line
    //~~~skirt straps
    bezier(129,466, 128.5,480, 128.5,471, 129,486);//left of right strap
    bezier(130.5,485, 131,479, 132,469, 131,458);//right of right strap
    line(112.5,484, 113,472);//left of left strap bottom
    bezier(112.5,465, 113,462, 113,460, 113.5,458);//left of left strap top
    line(115.5,474, 115.5,467);//right of left strap
    //~~~skirt buttons
    ellipse(115,487, 3,3);//left
    ellipse(130,487, 3,3);//right
    bezier(109,477.5, 107,491, 118,491, 117,476);//outer loop
    bezier(111,476.5, 110,487, 116,487, 114.5,476);//inner loop
    bezier(114.5,476, 115.5,474, 116,474, 117,476);//top of loop
    bezier(109,466, 109,462, 111,462, 111,466);//top of handle
    bezier(142,456, 142,436, 166,438, 162,456);//outer loop curve
    bezier(141,469, 142,463, 142,459, 142,456);//outer loop line
    bezier(147,456, 147,442, 160,444, 157,456);//inner loop curve
    bezier(146,469, 146,464, 147,461, 147,456);//inner loop line
    bezier(157,456, 157.5,461, 161.5,461, 162,456);//bottom of loop
    bezier(141,469, 143,469.5, 144,469.5, 146,469);//bottom line
    bezier(141,469, 139.5,470, 140,470, 140,472);//left side of rectangle
    bezier(146,469, 147,471, 146,471, 146,472.5);//right side of rectangle
    line(140,472, 143,472);//bottom of rectangle
    //~~~umbrella body
    bezier(136,532, 137,528, 138,523, 139,519);//bottom part near leg
    bezier(142,503, 145,498, 143,494, 143,492);//middle of right
    bezier(143,490, 150,485, 150,485, 146,481);//top of right
    bezier(137,492, 137,485, 136,479, 138,479);//left long bit
    line(141,473, 141,472);//left short bit
    bezier(143,492, 143.5,491, 143.5,491, 143,490);//right of strap
    bezier(137,489, 138.5,490.5, 141,490.5, 143,490);//top of strap
    bezier(137,492, 139.5,493, 141,493, 143,492);//bottom of strap
    line(145,482, 147.5,485);//detail right diagonal
    line(144,488, 145,483);//detail vertical right
    line(143,487, 143.5,485);//detail  vertical  (small)
    line(141.5,487, 142,481);//detail vertical left
    line(139,488, 139.5,479);//detail vertical (long)
    line(141.5,493, 142,495);//detail bottom right
    line(140,493, 139.5,494);//detail bottom left
    line(110,463, 110,418);//left
    line(110.5,463, 110,418);//right
    bezier(umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y, 137,414, 159,415, umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y);//arc 1-- 
        //--(right of p1)
    bezier(umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y, 180,421, 186,425, umbPnt3X,umbPnt3Y);//arc 2 
    bezier(189,428, 183,427, 174,429, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//arc 3
    bezier(153,433, 157,432, 163,432, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//arc 4
    bezier(89,433, 84,432, 73,432, umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y);//arc 5
    bezier(umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y, 58,430, 47,428, 38.3,430);//arc 6
    bezier(umbPnt6X,umbPnt6Y, 44,425, 55,421, umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y);//arc 7
    bezier(umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y, 83,416, 114,416, umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y);//arc 8-- 
        //--(left of p1)
    //~~~dividing lines
    bezier(81,395.5, 50,401, 36,420, umbPnt6X,umbPnt6Y);//leftest outline
    bezier(88,393, 74,396, 66,412, umbPnt7X,umbPnt7Y);//left line
    bezier(118,391, 124,400, 123,416, umbPnt1X,umbPnt1Y);//middle line
    bezier(145,392, 163,397, 166,413, umbPnt2X,umbPnt2Y);//rightline
    bezier(154,396, 180,403, 187,419, umbPnt3X,umbPnt3Y);//rightest outline
    bezier(118,391, 108,393, 98,393, 88,393);//top left
    bezier(118,391, 128,393, 139,392, 145,392);//top right
    bezier(161,419.3, 167,425, 168,432, umbPnt4X,umbPnt4Y);//underneath right
    bezier(74,421.9, 69,427, 68,431, umbPnt5X,umbPnt5Y);//underneath left
    bezier(105,489, 101,483, 102,480, 105,477);//left of left arm
    bezier(105,489, 108,488, 108,487, 109,486);//bottom of left arm
    bezier(134.5,477, 135,480, 136,482, 136.5,484);//right arm
    bezier(105,477, 104,474, 104.5,471, 104.5,469);//left hand left side
    bezier(104.5,469, 107,466, 110,466, 112,466.5);//left hand top
    bezier(109,477.5, 111,476, 112,476, 112,476);//left hand bottom
    bezier(108,469, 114,468, 111,469, 112,466.5);//top finger left
    bezier(108,471.5, 113,470, 112,472, 112,469);//2nd left
    bezier(109,474, 113,473, 112,473, 112,471);//3rd left
    bezier(112,476, 112.5,475.5, 112.5,475, 112,474);//bottom left
    bezier(112,468, 114,470, 114,471, 112,473);//thumb left
    bezier(145,472.5, 147,473, 147,478, 146,481);//right side
    bezier(145,472.5, 139,473.5, 139,476, 146,474.5);//top finger right
    bezier(146,475, 140,476, 140,477, 146,477);//2nd right
    bezier(146,477, 141,478.5, 141,479.5, 146,479);//3rd right
    bezier(146,479, 142,481, 142,481, 146,481);//bottom right
    bezier(137,479, 137,475, 138,474, 141,472.5);//thumb right outer
    bezier(137,479, 137,480.5, 142,474, 140,474);//thumb right inner
    bezier(109,547, 108,543, 106,535, 109.5,526);//calf of left leg
    bezier(109.5,526, 110,523, 109.5,522, 108.5,518.5);//left of left leg top
    bezier(118,547, 118,540, 120,528, 119,522);//right of left leg
    bezier(111,526.5, 111,527, 111,527, 113,528.5);//detail left leg
    bezier(135,548, 136,540, 137,533, 135,527);//calf of right leg
    bezier(135,527, 135,525, 134.5,523, 135.5,520);//left of right leg top
    bezier(127,548, 126.5,540, 124,526, 124.5,522);//left of right leg
    bezier(127,529, 127.5,530, 128,530, 128,531);//detail right leg left
    line(132,530, 133,529);//detail right leg right
    bezier(107,547, 111,548, 114,548, 118,547);//top curve of left
    bezier(108,545, 103.5,544, 105,564, 107,569);//left of left side top
    bezier(107,569, 106,572, 104,575, 106,577);//left of left side bottom
    bezier(106,577, 110,584, 119,580.5, 121,580);//bottom curve of left
    bezier(121,580, 122,576, 121,573, 119,570);//right of right side bottom
    bezier(119,570, 120,559, 123,546, 118,545);//right of left side top
    bezier(126,547, 127,549, 133,549, 137,547);//top curve of right
    bezier(135,545.5, 142.5,545, 137,563, 137,570);//right of right side top
    bezier(137,570, 138,574, 139,577, 138,580);//right of right side bottom
    bezier(138,580, 134,582, 127,582, 123,580);//bottom curve of right
    bezier(123,580, 122,577, 124,573, 125,569);//left of right side bottom
    bezier(125,569, 125,558, 121,545, 127,546);//right of right side top

function mousePressed() {//if mouse is pressed...
    //if the mouse is pressed between these specific areas, then...
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 294,440) < 85){///growl;//plays growl audio
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 115,406) < 75){///umbrella rain;//plays rain on umbrella audio
    if(dist(mouseX,mouseY, 297,269) < 65){//leaf rain sound;//plays rain on leaves audio

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Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-10 Sat, 02 Nov 2019 03:27:55 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-10"]]>

Apparatum is a piece made by PanGenerator, a musical group consisting of Krzysztof Goliński, Jakub Koźniewski, Piotr Barszczewski, and Krzysztof Cybulski, and was created in 2018. The group drew inspiration from the Pilish Radio Experimental Studio, which was one of the first studios to start producing electrostatic music. So while there is a digital interface, the apparatus is very old-fashioned looking and emits only analogue sound.

I really like the old aesthetic the group is trying to pull off with this installation. It’s the first thing that really stands out about it. I like this because it’s pleasing to look at and because there obviously isn’t a lot like it currently. I also really like how there was a mix of the old and the new. It wasn’t simply a remake of an old technology, the group decided to incorporate modern tech into an older styled model, resulting in a old looking apparatus with a digitally interactive interface. I like this since it takes the best parts of two different things to create an almost different invention.

Video Demonstrating Apparatum In Action

While the piece may be heavily influenced by an older aesthetic, it has modern electronic aspects to it as well. To create the electronic interface, the group used the software electron (node.js). The microcontroller elements are c running on Teensy 3.2. Teensy 3.2 is also used for the hardware. 

The piece (right) compared with its older influences (left)

Looking at their website, it is clear they have a certain aesthetic they are trying to pull off. The website is a sleek black and white, and many of their photos are in black and white as well.  The site almost looks like that for a newspaper. They seem to be going for an old fashioned but also futuristic look, if that’s possible, the color scheme giving off the old-timey vibe with the sleekness and use of geometric shapes in their photos giving the site a futuristic feel. This seems to be reflected well in Apparatum.

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Project-09-Portrait Sat, 26 Oct 2019 03:56:47 +0000 Continue reading "Project-09-Portrait"]]>

After looking through all the examples and code offered on the website, I decided I wanted to experiment with a number of designs. I decided I would do this by dividing up my screen and designating a type of design/pattern for each section. I was originally going to divide it up equally into three parts, but then I experimented a bit and decided to make it more interesting than that. I first decided to bring attention to my eyes by having the section over them be in HSB color value. Then I had there be two sections like this, one vertical and one horizontal, overlapping on one of my eyes, creating a cross section. This divided up the screen, and I filled up the sections this cross created with different patterns.


var myImage;
var topOfEyes = 100;//general height of where the top of my eyes are
var bottomOfEyes = 160;//general height of where the bottom of my eyes are
var leftOfEye = 260;//general left of where the left of my right eye is
var rightOfEye = 320;//general right of where the right of my right eye is

function preload() {
    var imgURL = "";
    myImage = loadImage(imgURL);//loads image

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    myImage.loadPixels();//loads pixels from image
    frameRate(1000);//faster framerate

function draw() {
    myImage.resize(620,480);//resizes image so my face fits onscreen
    var pixlX = random(width);//random pixel from width values
    var pixlY = random(height);//random pixel from height values
    var constrX = constrain(floor(pixlX), 0, width - 1);//constrains x value 
    //and keeps it at whole number
    var constrY = constrain(floor(pixlY), 0, height - 1);//constrains y value 
    //and keeps it at whole number
    var colorFromXY = myImage.get(constrX, constrY);//constrains color to image

    colorMode(HSB,100);//changes color value to HSB
    fill(colorFromXY);//takes color from photo "below" it
    ellipse(pixlX, random(topOfEyes,bottomOfEyes), 3, 3);//verticle red line
    ellipse(random(leftOfEye,rightOfEye),pixlY, 3, 3);//horizontal red line

    fill(colorFromXY);//takes color from photo "below" it
    ellipse(pixlX,pixlY, 5, 5);//puts circles of portrait across screen
    //gradation of rectanbgles that slowly increases from 320 to width
    rect(random(rightOfEye,rightOfEye + 32),pixlY, .5,.5);
    rect(random(rightOfEye + 32,rightOfEye + (32 * 2)),pixlY, 1,1);
    rect(random(rightOfEye + (32 * 2),rightOfEye + (32 * 3)),pixlY, 1.5,1.5);
    rect(random(rightOfEye + (32 * 3),rightOfEye + (32 * 4)),pixlY, 2,2);
    rect(random(rightOfEye + (32 * 4),rightOfEye + (32 * 5)),pixlY, 2.5,2.5);

Portrait In Process
Final Product
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Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-09 Tue, 22 Oct 2019 22:45:29 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-09"]]>

I chose to do my blog on the 6th Looking Outwards post of Jenny Lee. The project she did was an installation called “eCloud” built by Aaron Koblin, Nik Hafermaas, and Dan Goods in 2010.

On first glance of the image on Jenny’s post of the installation from below, I decided I already liked it. The way the squares were placed were already pretty on their own. The technological aspect only made it better. I like the concept of incorporating live changes into an art piece. Having these changes be changes in weather, and having the sculpture look like a cloud were really cool ideas. One of my LO posts had a similar idea of incorporating live weather changes, but with music, so I was already inclined towards liking the piece. The squares turning opaque was visually interesting as well. I’m used to seeing stuff change color, but changing clarity was different and I’m very curious to know how it works.

There isn’t much to really disagree with within her post. Most of the things she states are just factual information. The one thing I would critique is the explanation about what the pattern is displaying. She states the piece “transforms the patterns of the tiles to create the “cloud” in the accurate shape of one in particular time zone.” However, what I got from the video was that the patterns weren’t changing so much to emulate the shape but more the weather. So if it was raining hard, the tiles changed in a way that made the piece look like rain, like little squares falling to the ground. It seemed like the speed of the “falling” would also change speed based on how hard it was storming.

Maybe a way to improve the report would be to mention specifically how the piece changes in response to the different types of weather. In the picture I posted, it seemed like the cloud also changed color as well, since some parts are blue, which isn’t shown in the video. She might want to dive into how things like temperature, wind speeds, precipitation, snow, rain, etc… affect opaqueness, what squares are being changed, what speed they’re being changed at, what color the squares are, what areas of the piece is colored or not, etc…

Video Demonstrating eCloud by Dan Goods
Image of eCloud
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Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-08 Fri, 18 Oct 2019 01:24:06 +0000 Continue reading "Sydney Salamy: Looking Outwards-08"]]>

Mimi Son is a teacher of Interactive Storytelling at Korea’s Kaywon School of Art and Design and art director at Kimchi and Chips, an art and design studio she founded with Elliot Woods which is based Seoul. She studied Interaction Design at Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design after finishing her MA degree of Interaction Design at the Landsdown Centre of Middlesex University, located in London. Currently, she is researching the effects of technology when approaches creatively and the interactions between emotional and tangible things. In her presentation, she and Woods talk about their projects that deal with the relationship between the material and the immaterial (ie: objects with lights displayed over them). She would describe herself as loving nature and art and experimenting with them, which is what led her into the field she is now.


  • Son’s work deals a lot with computers mixed with physical objects. Her projects would be aided with computer programs, such as with Lunar Surface, where a sheet moves back and forth in the wind. A sphere was created inside a program, corresponding to a light projection. The projection is of a circle and is shone onto the sheet. The movements of the sheet are included in the program over the sphere and as it moves, the circle size changes. Basically, if the sheet is blown forwards or backwards so it is toward the end of the sphere, then the circle will be small, and if it’s in the middle it will be big. A similar project is Line Segments Space which is shown below. Strings are set up in a black room, and light is shone and varied on specific strings to create a pretty light show. Because the strings exist in a computer program as well, the lights are able to be mapped very specifically.
  • I admire the way she is able to mix stuff that isn’t physically real with stuff that is in order to create her works. Her Lunar Surface project really stuck out to me for this reason. The fact that the sheet exists and the sphere doesn’t, yet they are still able to interact is very cool to me, especially since decades earlier this would be impossible. Besides all this, the resulting work is pretty. 
  • The projects I admire the most are the ones where light is projected onto objects. This would include Lunar Surface, Line Segments Space, Assembly, Lit Tree, and Link. I admire these ones the most because of how they look visually and the effort it took to make them. Most of the projects listed have to have a number of physical objects created and placed for something to be projected onto them, and this is all done by hand, which is obviously difficult. The results are beautiful. The way the projections interact with the physical pieces looks so amazing and cool, it’s hard to describe them. The sounds accompanying the pieces also help place the viewer into a certain “atmosphere”, which enhances the viewing experience.


  • In this presentation, Mimi Son is presenting with Elliot Woods. They present their work through explanation. They don’t move around much, just stand near a podium and talk. They discuss their projects and processes. When doing so, they use visually aids that are projected on a screen near them. These aids are either pictures or videos demonstrating their projects, studio, diagrams, and other art. This gives the audience something to look at which is also relevant to what they are discussing. The videos sometimes had sound as well. They would also tell jokes every once in a while, which made the audience laugh. What I can learn from this is that what I say has the most importance. However, I can aid my dialogue with things that are both pleasing visually and aurally. This helps the audience get a better idea of what the speaker is talking about. This is important since it gives the audience something to focus on during the presentation. With presentations this long, people can start to doze off, so giving them something to look at can help keep their attention. Jokes have a similar effect. Since they occur even more sporadically, they surprise and wake up the audience. Presentations I give will probably follow this format, maybe adding anything I think could improve it, such as walking along the stage/moving around more to keep the audience up.
Mimi Son and Elliot Woods’s Eyeo Festival Presentation, 2014.
Project of hers that I admire”Line Segments Space” (2013).
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