Looking Outwards-02

See Project Here: http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/2/sketches/?01_P/P_3_1_3_05

See Code Here: https://editor.p5js.org/generative-design/sketches/P_3_1_3_05

This project was made by Niels Poldervaart!

This project is particularly inspiring to me because it uses generative design to explore the relationships between a full text and the individual words which compose it. This project uses visual and interaction design to help people understand the connections between words and the grammar that is behind it all. Understanding the code libraries used to decipher these parts of speech could be really useful for education purposes of teaching grammar and parts of speech.

The algorithm was written in p5.js and used RiTa to analyze the text for parts of speech. The code is based off of for loops, some conditionals, and a lot of variables yet is quite easy to understand. I was shocked to see that something so intricate and complex (to me) was written in only 215 lines of code.

In this work you can see the artist’s love for type and linguistics show through (which aligns with my interests as well!). There are a couple other versions of this concept where they do similar explorations of discourse and individual letters/words shown with different visual configurations. You can really see their understanding and love of visualizing data with simple yet effective methods of type and color.

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