Looking Outwards

Aghori Portrait by Aldo Martínez Calzadilla(2017)
URL: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/3d-aghori-portrait-aldo-martinez-calzadilla.html

The piece looks extraodinarily realistic and detailed. The image has the quality of a photograph as the character in the image looks like a real human-being with well depicted hairs, muscle lines, blood vines, and skin texture. The character is holding a skull with both hands above his head with calm, religious facial expressions, drawing viewers’ attention to this uncommon behavior. The artist impresses the viewers with his expertise in modeling and sculpting. The artist used 3D programs such as Brush, Maya, and Mari, which allows him to first build the models, and then refine the models by adding colors, skin textures, other details, and even shadows and lighting. The artist demonstrates his deep understanding of the human body and observational skills, which makes the piece convincing in terms of anatomy. With the use of technology, algorithms, computational softwares, and data visualization, the artist was able to generate this sophisticated, narrative, and appealing image.

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