
Aaron Tobey, https://www.brandknewmag.com/the-value-of-randomness-in-art-and-design/

The artist divides the screen to 36 panels which each displays beautiful transformation of lines. The directions, curvatures, and the compositions of the lines are based on geometric operations and logical rules that build random sequences.

Each panel has a very different outcome as they followed different rules and algorithms. The randomness creates a sense of surprise as the viewers have no idea what the picture will look like in the next second. While lacking order, the piece does not seem to be in chaos. The lines are constrained in those clear, definite rectangles, which have a sense of logic and order that makes interesting contradiction to the movements of the lines. I enjoy the liveliness and the sense of movement in this piece. The artist explores the concept of shapes, randomness, order, space, and constraints, making the piece both aesthetically pleasing and thought-provoking.

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