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I found the information designer Stefanie Posavec very inspiring — she spoke at Eyeo in 2018. With roots in communication and graphic design studying in various American colleges, Stefanie is now based in London and is most known for exploring non-traditional representations of data across a variety of mediums. Her ability to translate data (collected from her personal life and for the service of various enterprises who commission her) into consumable visual pieces of art and design is very interesting to me as it is both visually appealing and accessible to more people than traditional fine arts. In this way, she is both an artist and designer, solving problems through translating data while instilling her personal vision and at times, using data from her personal life.

Eyeo Talk 2018

I find all of Stefanie’s work interesting, but I really enjoyed one of her most notable projects Dear Data, where she and English designer Giorgia Lupi sent each other hand-drawn postcards visualizing data collected over their everyday lives, over the course of a year. The analog format of these data visualizations really strip away the complexity that many associate with code. Even without code, information can be communicated in an elegant, concise way. I wish to continue exploring Stefanie’s work to continue incorporating my artistic voice into pragmatic and interesting solutions.

Clever and creative ways to represent data, concisely delivered in a hand-drawn postcard

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