LO 09

In catbug’s Looking outwards 6 post, catbug talks about Robbie Barrat’s Neural Network Balenciaga series. The series is comprised of a line of fasion items produced by and amalgamation of an AI’s interpretation of Balenciaga’s lookbook, runway shows, and published images. What is interesting about this is that it walks the fine line, like catbug says, “creativity and mimicry”. The AI’s interpretation at the same time not only allows us to analyze what makes the Balenciaga line Balenciaga, but also begins to examine the idea of a designer’s true need to design. If there is a commonality within all the design work done by this luxury fasion house, what’s the point of hiring new designers? Wouldn’t a computer algorithm be enough to generate the next season of their line? As long as the inputs for the current trend and the “Balenciaga DNA” is present, a continuity of their design legacy is sure to last.
The ephemorality of human led design is upon us.


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