LO – Digital Grotesque

As a fellow studier of architecture, I also admired this piece’s structural qualities. However, it seems my peer and I are taking two different scopes when admiring the project. He remarked on the delicate ornate detailing, while I find myself inspired differently. To me this project ponders a larger idea, that at one point in our future not only products, but entire environments will be digitally fabricated. I agree with my peer that the intricate detail is astounding and impressive, but I would disagree that it is the “main idea” of the work. I think that it’s actually the opposite: I see this project as attempting to ponder a massive, and extremely scary question: can an environment be digitally manufactured with a level of detail that actually makes it impossible to distinguish from a “natural environment”. Like a simulation, the detail is there not to draw attention, but to dismiss attention that might expose the environment as “fake”. For example, someone standing in an empty room knows it’s man made, because no natural environment really looks like it. In the middle of a forest, however, we don’t even consider that the environment is fake, because of the sheer amount of detail.


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