sillymir – [OLD FALL 2020] 15-104 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Professor Tom Cortina • Fall 2020 • Introduction to Computing for Creative Practice Mon, 14 Sep 2020 03:34:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Project 02- Variable Face Mon, 14 Sep 2020 03:34:27 +0000 Continue reading "Project 02- Variable Face"]]>

sillymir proj2Download

var bg1=255
var bg2=98
var bg3=109
var hairlength=200
var teethwidth=50
var teethHeight=50
var lipsWidth= 90
var lipsHeight= 90
var eyeGreen= 77
var hc1=215 // hair color
var hc2= 200
var hc3= 174

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    fill (bg1, bg2, bg3); // red dark
    rect (0, 0, 480, 640)
    fill (238, 208, 191) ; // skin base color
    circle (240, 240, 240);
    fill (181, 82, 94); // lips
    arc (240, 300, lipsWidth, lipsHeight, 245, 600)
    fill (255, 254, 246); // teeth
    arc (240, 307, teethwidth, teethHeight, 245, 600)
    fill (228, 141, 146) ; // cheek left
    circle (175, 280, 28);
    fill (228, 141, 146) ; // cheek right
    circle (305, 280, 28);
    fill (223, 190, 170) ; // nose left
    circle (230, 278, 10);
    fill (223, 190, 170) ; // nose right
    circle (250, 278, 10);
    fill (223, 190, 170) ; // nose center
    circle (240, 280, 20);
    fill (235, 258, 234); // eye white left
    circle (200, 235, 35)  
    fill (235, 258, 234); // eye white right
    circle (280, 235, 35)
    fill (74, eyeGreen, 68); // eye color left
    circle (200, 235, 25)
    fill (74, eyeGreen, 68); // eye color right
    circle (280, 235, 25)
    fill (28, 22, 26); // eye pupil left
    circle (200, 235, 12)
    fill (28, 22, 26); // eye pupil right
    circle (280, 235, 12); 
    fill (251, 255, 248); // eye hl left
    circle (205, 230, 5) 
    fill (251, 255, 248); // eye hlright
    circle (285, 230, 5);
    fill (154, 114, 71); // eyebrow left thick
    rect (165, 205, 50, 5)
    fill (154, 114, 71); // eyebrow right thick
    rect (260, 205, 50, 5)
    fill (hc1, hc2, hc3); // hair left side
    rect (100, 180, 60, hairlength)
    fill (hc1, hc2, hc3); // hair right side
    rect (320, 180, 60, hairlength);
    fill (hc1, hc2, hc3); // hair across
    arc (240, 200, 280, 190, 531, 710);


function mousePressed() {
    bg1 = random(1, 254);
    bg2 = random(1, 254);
    bg3 = random(1, 254);
    hairlength = random(200,400);
    teethwidth= random(40,60);
    teethHeight= random(40,60);
    lipsWidth= random(80,100);
    lipsHeight= random(80,100);
    eyeGreen= random (30,150);
    hc1= random (1,254);
    hc2= random (1,254);
    hc3= random (1,254);    


I wanted to see variations in color. I changed the eyes and background colors. I also altered hair length and mouth size.

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Looking Outwards-02 Mon, 14 Sep 2020 03:14:25 +0000 Continue reading "Looking Outwards-02"]]>

One generative art project I admire is “Traffic Simulation” created by Robert Higgins. His simulation mimics various traffic lights with a multitude of oncoming traffic. What draws my attention to this simulation is his ability to make the interactions (speed, stopping, pausing) of the cars seem very human-like. They do not act simultaneously and in sync, which would not mimic the reality of traffic. The algorithm in this work first laid out its foundation with simple lines and curves fo map out the road on an XZ plane. As the program develops, there must be various statements in the program to determine the car’s behavior depending on the color of the light. The cars are covered in sensors and multiple variables are considered such as aggressiveness. You can see the artist’s creativity throughout this project in his ability to recreate human-like traffic interactions, as well as his choice of color and sleek design.

Traffic Simulation | Robert Hodgin | Jan. 2020

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