Project 2: Generating Faces by Mouse Clicking

My attempt at making an interactive variable face generator:

gnmarino-project 2

//variables to use to randomize
var head = 0
var hair = 0
var ear = 0
var nose = 0
var mouth = 0
//hair color
var color1 = 0
var color2 = 0
var color3 = 0
//variables to use to structure everything
var faceDetail = 2
var faceWidth = 300
var faceHeight = 450
//made my own grid system
var cellHeight = 80
var cellWidth = 80

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);

 function draw() {
    //base skin color
    fill(249, 224, 195);
//(the ears)there are four different ear types. 
//each are associated a specific number that is randomly choosen in mouse pressed functionj
//used if statement so that when mouse is pressed it only picks one option (because only one option is true)
    if (ear == 1) {
        ellipse( 1.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 2 * cellWidth, cellHeight);
        ellipse( 4.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 2 * cellWidth, cellHeight);
    } else if (ear == 2) {
        ellipse( 1.25 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, cellWidth, 2 * cellHeight);
        ellipse( 4.75 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, cellWidth, 2 * cellHeight);
    } else if (ear == 3) {
        ellipse( 1.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 2 * cellWidth, 1.5 * cellHeight);
        ellipse( 4.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 2 * cellWidth, 1.5 *cellHeight);
    } else {
        ellipse( 1.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 1.25 * cellWidth, cellHeight);
        ellipse( 4.5 * cellWidth, 3.5 * cellHeight, 1.25 * cellWidth, cellHeight);
// (the hair) works the same as ears. has 4 different types of hair
    if (hair == 1) { //mohawk
        //fill color is completely randomized with variables in mouse pressed so that R, B, G is a completely random number everytime
        //so it can make any color in the RBG system to colorize hair
        fill(color1, color2, color3);
        rect(2.5 * cellWidth, .6 * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight);
    } else if (hair == 2) { //afro
        fill(color1, color2, color3);
        ellipse(3 * cellWidth, 2 * cellHeight, 4.5 * cellWidth, 2.75 * cellHeight);
    } else if (hair == 3) { //long hair
        fill(color1, color2, color3);
        ellipse(3 * cellWidth, 2 * cellHeight, 4.75 * cellWidth, 2.5 * cellHeight);
        rect(.625 * cellWidth, 2 * cellHeight, 4.75 * cellWidth, 4.25 * cellHeight);
    } else { //bald
        //to show baldness I put a point that is hidden behind head
        point(width/2, height/2);

    fill(249, 224, 195); //skin color
//same if statment system as before, 3 head types
    if (head == 1) {
        quad(cellWidth, 1.5 * cellHeight, 5 * cellWidth, 1.5 * cellHeight, 4.5 * cellWidth, 6.5 * cellHeight, 1.5 * cellWidth, 6.5 * cellHeight);
    } else if (head == 2) {
        ellipse(width/2, height/2, faceWidth, faceHeight);
    } else {
    quad( 1.25 * cellWidth, 3 * cellHeight, 4.75 * cellWidth, 3 * cellHeight, 4 * cellWidth, 6.5 * cellHeight, 2 * cellWidth,6.5 * cellHeight);
    circle(width/2, 3 * cellHeight, faceWidth);
// eyes, 1 type
    ellipse(2.5 * cellWidth, 3 * cellHeight, .25 * cellWidth, .5 * cellHeight);
    ellipse(3.5 * cellWidth, 3 * cellHeight, .25 * cellWidth, .5 * cellHeight);

//nose, 4 nose types
    if (nose == 1) { //button nose
        ellipse(width/2, height/2, .75 * cellWidth, .5 * cellHeight);
    } else if (nose == 2) { // big nose
        arc(width/2, height/2, cellWidth, .75 * cellHeight, PI + HALF_PI, TWO_PI + HALF_PI);
    } else if (nose == 3) { //downwards nose
        arc(width/2, height/2, .5 * cellWidth, .75 * cellHeight, 0, PI);
    } else { //skinny nose
        arc(width/2, height/2, cellWidth, .25 * cellHeight, PI + HALF_PI, TWO_PI + HALF_PI);

//mouth, 4 types
    if (mouth == 1) { //expressionless mouth
        line(2.5 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight, 3.5 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight);
    } else if (mouth == 2) {//open mouth
        arc(3 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight, 1.25 * cellWidth, cellHeight, 0, PI, CHORD);
    } else if (mouth == 3) { //smirk
        curveVertex(3 * cellWidth, 5.25 * cellHeight);
        curveVertex(3 * cellWidth, 5.25 * cellHeight);
        curveVertex(3.3 * cellWidth, 5.20 * cellHeight);
        curveVertex(3.5 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight);
        curveVertex(3.5 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight);
    } else { //sad mouth
        arc(3 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight, .75 * cellWidth, .5 * cellHeight, PI, TWO_PI);
//beauty marks, 2 types
    if (faceDetail == 1) { //leftside
        point(2.25 * cellWidth, 5 * cellHeight);
    } else if (faceDetail == 2) {//right side
        point(4.25 * cellWidth, 4 * cellHeight);
function mousePressed() {
//baracks to make random only do integars
    head = random([1, 2, 3]);
    ear = random([1, 2, 3, 4]);
    nose = random([1, 2, 3, 4]);
    mouth = random([1, 2, 3, 4]);
    hair = random([1, 2, 3, 4]);
//hair color randomizer
    color1 = random(0, 255);
    color2 = random(0, 255);
    color3 = random(0, 255);
//added extra integars to make beauty marks less frequent and only happen 1/4 of the time
    faceDetail = random([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);

Doing this project taught me a lot about the process of coding and fixing your code when it is wrong.

My Characters I created as inspiration

I first started off with a grandiose plan to make these 4 faces and then mix and match each part of each face so it muddles all the faces randomly. However, it was a lofty goal for the time I had.

My process of figuring out my grid system

This led me to settling but still constructing my code in a fully self-made variable grid structure, if statements, and using random() to choose between the the variants I created for each facial feature.

Additionally, I randomized the faces even more by making hair colors able to be whatever shade in RBG it desires.

Overall, I learned a lot of the simple powers of the random() function and I wish I could’ve added on more to this project.

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