Link of the speaker’s website:https://onyxashanti.bandcamp.com/
Link of the lecture video: https://vimeo.com/channels/eyeo2019/355843363

Onyx Ashanti is a musician, performer, programmer, and inventor of the Sonocyb, a continually evolving, malleable interface of prosthetic synthesizer controllers that Onyx 3D prints at home and uses to articulate electronic sound in conjunction with bodily motion. He discussed his perception of the essence of music, his art and their relationship with technology and human beings. As an electronic music major, his work is intriguing to me as sound and studio effects he created were all automated in a random but nice way. In his video, he talks about how he link values generated from multiple aspects of the body to automate sounds, for example, automating delay through different body movements. He is not only artistic: there’s also science and technology involved: By keeping the rhythm within the range of 1-16 hz, which is more science related, Ashanti was able to produce music that makes more sense; and by using 3D printing, Ashanti can truly wear the sensors around his body like clothes, allowing him to perform more subtle musical gestures through body gestures. I learned that I probably can try to link my artwork with myself more. since I’ve been a music producer using VSTI only, I can try to record songs instead to get a more authentic instrument feeling.

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